Emphysema is a type of chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases ( COPD) in which permanent dilatations of air sacs ( alveoli ) occurs which means air sac lose the capacity of contraction and relaxation .
Causes -
The most common cause is cigarette smoking.
1 Barrel shaped chest
2 Wheezing
3 Cough
4 Heaviness
5 Chest tightness
6 Heaviness of chest.
X Ray
Principal of Treatment
1 Vata Predominantly Tamaka Shvasa
2 Ghritapana - Dashamula Ghirtha / KB Taila
3 Svedana - Bashpa Sveda
4 Virechana - Eranda Taila 60 ml with decoction of Trivrit + Aragvadh 50ml .
Recommended Classical Formulation
Shodhana Chikitsa
1 Shvasakasa Chintamani 125 mg BD with Honey after meals.
2 Svarna Sameerapannaga Rasa 125 mg BD with warm water after meals.
3 Vashishta Haritaki 1 tsf BD with warm milk after meals.
4 Kanakaasava 2 tsf BD with warm water after meals.
5 Vasarishta 2 tsf BD with warm water after meals
Diet and lifestyle
Pathya ( indications )
1 low fat , light .hot .diet .not too oily .not too dry.
Apthya ( Contraindications )
1 Cold , irritating ,oily , sour , curd , avoid milk and milk products , non vegetarian food.
2 Gas forming foods
Emphysema is a type of chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases ( COPD) in which permanent dilatations of air sacs ( alveoli ) occurs which means air sac lose the capacity of contraction and relaxation .
Causes -
The most common cause is cigarette smoking.
1 Barrel shaped chest
2 Wheezing
3 Cough
4 Heaviness
5 Chest tightness
6 Heaviness of chest.
X Ray
Principal of Treatment
1 Vata Predominantly Tamaka Shvasa
2 Ghritapana - Dashamula Ghirtha / KB Taila
3 Svedana - Bashpa Sveda
4 Virechana - Eranda Taila 60 ml with decoction of Trivrit + Aragvadh 50ml .
Recommended Classical Formulation
Shodhana Chikitsa
1 Shvasakasa Chintamani 125 mg BD with Honey after meals.
2 Svarna Sameerapannaga Rasa 125 mg BD with warm water after meals.
3 Vashishta Haritaki 1 tsf BD with warm milk after meals.
4 Kanakaasava 2 tsf BD with warm water after meals.
5 Vasarishta 2 tsf BD with warm water after meals
Diet and lifestyle
Pathya ( indications )
1 low fat , light .hot .diet .not too oily .not too dry.
Apthya ( Contraindications )
1 Cold , irritating ,oily , sour , curd , avoid milk and milk products , non vegetarian food.
2 Gas forming foods