Monday, 2 September 2019



Emphysema is a type of chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases ( COPD) in which permanent dilatations of air sacs ( alveoli ) occurs which means air sac lose the capacity of contraction and relaxation .

Causes -

The most common cause is cigarette smoking.


1 Barrel shaped chest

2 Wheezing

3 Cough

4 Heaviness

5 Chest tightness

6 Heaviness of chest.


X Ray

Principal of Treatment


1 Vata Predominantly Tamaka Shvasa

2 Ghritapana - Dashamula Ghirtha / KB Taila

3 Svedana - Bashpa Sveda

4 Virechana - Eranda Taila 60 ml with decoction of Trivrit + Aragvadh 50ml .

Recommended Classical Formulation

Shodhana Chikitsa

1 Shvasakasa Chintamani 125 mg BD with Honey after meals.

2 Svarna Sameerapannaga Rasa 125 mg BD with warm water after meals.

3 Vashishta Haritaki 1 tsf BD with warm milk after meals.

4 Kanakaasava 2 tsf BD with warm water after meals.

5 Vasarishta 2 tsf BD with warm water after meals

Diet and lifestyle

Pathya ( indications )

1 low fat , light .hot .diet .not too oily .not too dry.

Apthya ( Contraindications )

1 Cold , irritating ,oily , sour , curd , avoid milk and milk products , non vegetarian food.

2 Gas forming foods

Sunday, 1 September 2019


A hiccup is an unintentional contraction of the diaphragm the muscle at the base of the lungs . The spasm is followed by sudden closing of the vocal cords which produces a distinctive sound .


1 Abdominal surgery

2 Hot and spicy foods or liquid

3 Tumor affecting the brain

4 Pleurisy

5 Harmful fumes

Principal of Treatment

Drug having properties - ushna , Vata Kaphavataghna , Vatanulomana

Vatahara and Brimhana Chikitsa

*Shodhana Chikitsa


1 Abhyanga - Karpuradi Taila

2 Ksheera Dhoom

3 Nasya - Ghirtha and Saindhava

4 Nasya - Stree Dugha

Shamana Chikitsa

Drug of choice - Pushkaramoola

Main Drug's - Mayarapiccha Bhasma , Pippali , Bharangi , Kanthakari.

Recommended Classical Formulation

1 Sitopaladi Churna 3 gm tsf BD with honey after meals.

2 Karpuradi  churna 3 gm tsf with honey after meals

3 Mayarapiccha Churna 30 mg every hourly with pippali and Madhu .

4 Shavasakasa Chintamani 1 BD with honey

5 Sootashekhara rasa 60mg every 1/2 hours .

6 Dhanvantri Kashaya 20 ml BD with warm water after meals.

7 Vyghryadi Kashaya 5ml every 3 to 6gm hours

8 Pushkaramoolasava 5ml every 1/2 hours

Diet and lifestyle

Pathya ( indications )

Low fat , hot diet


 ( Contraindications )

Irritating , oily food , Curd , Sour , Talking during meals , talk food in hurry.

Kshay Roga ( Tuberculosis )

Kshay Roga  ( Tuberculosis )

Tuberculosis is a bacterial infections caused by a germ called mycobacterium tuberculosis


Sneezing and coughing of patients affecting with tuberculosis release million of bacteria . When the immune compromised person ( decrease immunity ) inhales this he is having great chance of getting TB


1 Severe cough that last 3 week or longer .

2 Weight loss

3 Weakness of fatigue

4 fever and chills

5 Night sweats

6 Cough with blood mixed sputum .


1 Chest X Ray

2 Sputum for AFB

3 Mauntex Test

Principal of Treatment

Mridu Shodhana if balavana rogi.

Use of srotoshodhana , deepana and brumhana Chikitsa alternative.


1 Amrita Mahakalasha 1 tsf with warm milk twice a day day on empty stomach.

Shamana Chikitsa

1 Mahalakhmivilas Rasa 125 mg OD with honey after meals.

2 Pippli Vardhamana Rasayana 125 mg BD with warm water after meals

3 Chyavana prasha Leha 1 tsf BD with warm milk empty stomach after meals.

4 Aja mamsa Rasayana 1 tsf BD with warm milk on empty stomach after meals .

5 Amritaprasha avaleha 1 tsf BD with warm water milk on empty stomach after meals.

 6 Sarpiguda 1 tsf BD with warm water milk on empty stomach after meals.

Yoga Therapy


Rhythmic breathing . Nadi - Shodhana ( alternative breathing )


1 Viparitakarni Asana

2 Saravangasan

3 Shavasana


Meditation for 15 to 30 minutes .

Diet and lifestyle

Pathya ( indications )

Regular intake of goat meat soup , goat milk , garlic paste .

Apthya ( Contraindicated )

Cold , oily , sour diet , curd , excessive coitus and exercise .

How To Get A Healthy Hair With 6 Easy Steps.

1 Egg Treatment Use the entire egg to conditions your hair use egg white to moisturizer your hair Use 1/2 cup of egg mix and apply t...