Saturday, 6 July 2019

Svarabheda ( Hoarseness of Voice )

Svarabheda ( Hoarseness of Voice )

Hoarseness refers to a difficulty making sounds when trying to speak vocal sounds may be weak . breathy .scratchy or husky and the pitch or quality of the voice may change.

Hoarseness is most often caused by a problem with the vocal cords which are part of your voice box ( lyrynx) in the throat when the vocal cords become inflamed or infections they swell   . This can cause Hoarseness.

The most common cause of hoarseness is a cold or sinus infections which usually goes away on it own within 2 weeks.


1 Acid reflux

2 Allergy

3 Breathing in irritating substance .

4 Cancer

5 Chronic Cough

6 Smoking . Tabecoo . Drinking

7 Overuse or abuse of the voice ( as in shouting or singing )

Lab Investigation

1 Laryngoscope


3 Throat culture


Line of Treatment

1 Vatahara

2 Kasahara

Drug of choice- Yasthimadhu

Main Drug's- Gunjapatra , Lavanga , Ela , Jatiphala.

Shamana Chikitsa
Classical Formulation

1 Chandramrita Rasa 125 mg TID with warm water after meals.

2 Vyosadi  Vati 250 mg BD with warm water after meals.

3 Kantakaryavaleha 1 tsf BD with warm water after meals.

4 Lavangadi vati 250 mg BD with warm water after meals.

5 Eladi Gutika 250mg 5 -6 times chewing.

Diet and lifestyle

Pathya ( indications )

1 Talk only when you need to until hoarseness  goes away.

2 Drink pelnty of fluids to help keep your airway moist ( Gargling does not help )

3 Use a vaporiser to add moisture to the air you  breathe.

4 Take medicine to reduce Stomach acid .

Apthya ( Contraindications )

1 Avoid action that strain the vocal cords such as whispered shouting . crying . and
singing .

2 Do not use decongestant which can dry out vocal cords.

Thursday, 4 July 2019

Kasa ( Cough )

Coughing is a reflex that clear the throat and airways.


1 COPD ( chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases)

2 GERD ( Gastoesophageal reflux diseases )

3 Smoking

4 Throat disorders .such as croup in young children.

Chronic Cough

1 One of the most common reasons for seeking medical attention.

2'Defined as a cough persisting for at least 4 weeks.


1 Vata ( Dry Cough )

2 Pitta . Kapha ( Productive cough )

3 Kshataja Kashayajanya

( Chronic bronchitis )


1 Chest ausultation for wheezing . nasal and oral examination for sings of Postnasal drip
( Eg - cobblestone appearance or erythema of mucous )

2 chest x ray to exclude specific  praenchymal lung diseases .

3 Consider spirometry before and after bronchodilator metha - choline challenges . sinus CT scan and 24 hour Esophageal pH monitoring

4 Bronchoscopy.

Principal of Treatment

Shodhana Chikitsa  ( Panchakarma )

1 Snehana

2 Svedana

3 Vatanulomana.

Shamana Chikitsa

Drugs of choice - Kanthakari

Main Drug's - Vasa . Pippali , Bharangi , Yasthimadhu , Shringa.

Naimittika Rasayana - Vardhamana Rasayana , Dashamula Rasayana.

Recommended Classical Formulation

1 Chandramrita Rasa 125 mg TID with honey after meals.

2 Lakhshmivilasa Rasa 250 mg BD with warm water after meals.

3 Talisadi Churna 3 gm with honey TID after meals.

4 Sitopaladi Churna 3 gm TID with honey after meals.

5 Karpuradi churna 3 gm BD with warm water after meals.

6 Pippalyadi asava 20 ml TID with warm water after meals.

7 Kanakaasava ( Vata + Kapha  cough ) 10 ml BD with warm water after meals.

Diet and lifestyle

Pathya ( indications )

1 Low fat , hot diet

Apathya ( Contraindications )

1Cold , irritating , oily , curd , sour , speech .

Don't use mosquito repellant and pesticides if it causing cough.

Wednesday, 3 July 2019

Tundikeri ( Tonsillitis )

The disease Tundikeri described in Ayurvedic classics has close similarity with tonsillitis. Tonsillitis is a very common illness found in childhood. Tundikeri is described as Kapha-Raktaja dominant condition. Here, Ayurvedic treatment has a specific utility in the management of Tundikeri.


1 Bacterial infections

2 Viral infections

3 Decreased immunity


1 Throat pain

2 Dysphagia

3 Malaise

4 Enlargement of lymph nodes

5 Sore throat

6 Fever

7 Headaches

Different Diagnosis



Definition - inflammation of the tonsils of pharynx

Jugulo - Diagastric lymph node enlargement.

* Present

Age - common in child


* Swollen tonsils that project from between the pillars of the fauces and exude white or yellow follicles.


* Purulent drainage when pressure is applied to the tonsillar pillars.

2 Adenoiditis

Definition - inflammation of adenoid.

Jugulo Diagastric lymph nodes enlargement

* Absent

Age - common in infants

Symptoms - Swollen adenoids

Discharge - NO

Principal of Treatment

Shodhana Chikitsa ( Panchakarma )

1 Shodhana

2 Pratishyayahara

3 Shothahara

4 Raktaprasadana Chikitsa.

Shamana Chikitsa

Recommended Classical Formulation

1 Tribhuvanakirti Rasa 125 mg TID with warm water after meals.

2 Lakhshmivilasa Rasa 125 mg TID with warm water after meals.

3 Shvasakuthara Rasa 125 mg TID with warm water after meals.

4 Amritarishta 20 ml TID with warm water after meals.

5 Sudharshana Churna 3 gm TID with warm water after meals.

Diet and lifestyle

Pathya ( indications )

1 Rest .light diet .hot fomentations.

Apthya ( Contraindications )

1Cold .oily .sweet and sour food .curd.

Tuesday, 2 July 2019



Snoring occurs when something block the flow of air through Mouth and nose.


1 Throat weakness . causing the throat to close during sleep.

2 Obstruction in the nasal passageway .

3 Deposition of fat in and around the throat .

4 The tissue at the top of airways touching each causing vibration

5 Relaxants such as alcohol or drugs relaxing throat muscle.

6 sleeping on back . Which may result in the drooping of tounge into the back of mouth .

Principal of Treatment

Shodhana Chikitsa ( Panchakarma )

1 Kaphavatahara

2 Vatanulomana

3 Pratimarsha Nasya with Anu Taila BD Day.

4 Prayogika Dhumapana BD Day

Shamana Chikitsa

Recommended Classical Formulation

1 Mrityunjaya Rasa 250 mg TID with warm water after meals.

2 Sudharshana Churna 3 gm BD with warm water after meals.

3 Shvasakuthara Rasa 125 mg BD with warm water after meals.

4 Godanti Bhasma 250 mg BD with warm water before meals.

5 Laghu Sutshekhar Rasa 500mg TID with warm water after meals.

Diet and lifestyle

Pathya ( indications )

1 light diet at night

Sleep on your side not on your back .

Apthya ( contraindications )

1 Obesity

2 recurrent respiratory infections

3 sleeping immediately after meals.

4 Day sleeping.

Deviated Nasal Septum ( DNS )

Deviated Nasal Septum ( DNS )

It is condition wherein the nasal septum will be deviated.


1 Congenital

2 Allergy

3 Recurrent infections

4 Trauma


1 Nasal blockage

2 Snoring

3 Recurrent attacks of cold .

Principal of Treatment

Shodhana Chikitsa ( Panchakarma )

1 Snehana - Kanthakari Ghirtha or Pippalyadi Ghirtha or PTG

2 Virechana - Trivirt Leha

3 Nasya - Tuvaraka Taila , Katphala Churna .

4 Lepa - Madhyama Kshara.

Shamana Chikitsa

Recommended  Classical Formulation

1 Sameerapannaga Rasa 125 mg TID with honey with warm water after meals

2 Nityanand Rasa 250 mg TID with honey with warm water before meals.

3 PTG Guggul 500 BD with warm water  after meals

4 Sarivadi Vati 500 mg TID with warm water after meals

5 Haridra Khanda 3 gm TID with warm water after meals.

6 Laghu Sootashekhara rasa 500mg BD with warm water after meals.

7 Dashamula Haritaki Leha 1 tsf BD with warm water after meals.

Yoga Therapy

1 Nadi Shodhana


1 Viparitakarni

Diet and lifestyle

Pathya ( indications )

Light diet .ginger treated water for drinking.

Apthya ( contraindications )

1Day sleeping

2 Cold drinks

3 Oily Foods

4 Avoid cold . damp living .

Monday, 1 July 2019

Jeerna Pratishyaya ( Sinusitis )

Jeerna Pratishyaya ( Sinusitis )

Sinusitis means inflamed sinuses . Sinuses are hollow air space within the bone surrounding the nose . They produce mucus . which drain into the nose .


1 Bacterial infections

2 Pollutant

3 Allergy

4 Nsal problem such as DNS


1 Fever

2 Fatigue

3 Congestions

4 Postnasal drip

5 Weakness


7 Heaviness

Principal of Treatment

Shoshana Chikitsa ( Panchakarma )

1 Snehana - MTG

2 Abhyanga - Karpuradi Taila

3 Bashpa Sveda

4 Vamana

5 Shirovirechana - Guda Nagara Nasya

Shamana Chikitsa

Main Drug's

Pippali , Tvak , Dhattura.

Naimittika Rasayana

1 Vardhamana Rasayana

2 Dashamula Rasayana

3 Chitraka Haritaki Rasayana

4 Agastya Haritaki Rasayana

Simple Remedies

1 Decoction prepared from Dashamula and Trikatu with honey .

2 Rubbing sore sinuses with warm palms bring a fresh supply of blood to the area . Press your thumb firmly on either side of your nose and hold for 15 - 30 seconds .

Recommended Classical Formulation

1 Kaphakuthar Rasa 250 mg TID with warm water after meals

2 Shvasakuthara Rasa 500mg BDwith tamboola Patra svarasa. After meals

3 Dashamula Rasayana 1 tsf BD with warm water after meals.

4 Talisadi Churna 3 gm TID  with honey  after meals

5 Mahamrityunjaya Rasa 250 mg BD with warm water after meals.

6 Pippalyadi Kashaya 20 ml BD with warm water before meals.

Yoga Therapy


Nadi Shodhana ( alternate breathing ) , Surya Bhedana.


Viparitakarni ( the inverted posture )

Diet and lifestyle

Pathya ( indications )

1 Light diet. Ginger treated water for drinking.

Apthya ( Contraindications )

1Day sleep . Cold drinks. Oily foods

2Avoid cold . Damp living . working and sleeping quarters.

3 Eliminate meat . Dairy products . White flour foods and sugar .

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