Jeerna Pratishyaya ( Sinusitis )
Sinusitis means inflamed sinuses . Sinuses are hollow air space within the bone surrounding the nose . They produce mucus . which drain into the nose .
1 Bacterial infections
2 Pollutant
3 Allergy
4 Nsal problem such as DNS
1 Fever
2 Fatigue
3 Congestions
4 Postnasal drip
5 Weakness
7 Heaviness
Principal of Treatment
Shoshana Chikitsa ( Panchakarma )
1 Snehana - MTG
2 Abhyanga - Karpuradi Taila
3 Bashpa Sveda
4 Vamana
5 Shirovirechana - Guda Nagara Nasya
Shamana Chikitsa
Main Drug's
Pippali , Tvak , Dhattura.
Naimittika Rasayana
1 Vardhamana Rasayana
2 Dashamula Rasayana
3 Chitraka Haritaki Rasayana
4 Agastya Haritaki Rasayana
Simple Remedies
1 Decoction prepared from Dashamula and Trikatu with honey .
2 Rubbing sore sinuses with warm palms bring a fresh supply of blood to the area . Press your thumb firmly on either side of your nose and hold for 15 - 30 seconds .
Recommended Classical Formulation
1 Kaphakuthar Rasa 250 mg TID with warm water after meals
2 Shvasakuthara Rasa 500mg BDwith tamboola Patra svarasa. After meals
3 Dashamula Rasayana 1 tsf BD with warm water after meals.
4 Talisadi Churna 3 gm TID with honey after meals
5 Mahamrityunjaya Rasa 250 mg BD with warm water after meals.
6 Pippalyadi Kashaya 20 ml BD with warm water before meals.
Yoga Therapy
Nadi Shodhana ( alternate breathing ) , Surya Bhedana.
Viparitakarni ( the inverted posture )
Diet and lifestyle
Pathya ( indications )
1 Light diet. Ginger treated water for drinking.
Apthya ( Contraindications )
1Day sleep . Cold drinks. Oily foods
2Avoid cold . Damp living . working and sleeping quarters.
3 Eliminate meat . Dairy products . White flour foods and sugar .
Sinusitis means inflamed sinuses . Sinuses are hollow air space within the bone surrounding the nose . They produce mucus . which drain into the nose .
1 Bacterial infections
2 Pollutant
3 Allergy
4 Nsal problem such as DNS
1 Fever
2 Fatigue
3 Congestions
4 Postnasal drip
5 Weakness
7 Heaviness
Principal of Treatment
Shoshana Chikitsa ( Panchakarma )
1 Snehana - MTG
2 Abhyanga - Karpuradi Taila
3 Bashpa Sveda
4 Vamana
5 Shirovirechana - Guda Nagara Nasya
Shamana Chikitsa
Main Drug's
Pippali , Tvak , Dhattura.
Naimittika Rasayana
1 Vardhamana Rasayana
2 Dashamula Rasayana
3 Chitraka Haritaki Rasayana
4 Agastya Haritaki Rasayana
Simple Remedies
1 Decoction prepared from Dashamula and Trikatu with honey .
2 Rubbing sore sinuses with warm palms bring a fresh supply of blood to the area . Press your thumb firmly on either side of your nose and hold for 15 - 30 seconds .
Recommended Classical Formulation
1 Kaphakuthar Rasa 250 mg TID with warm water after meals
2 Shvasakuthara Rasa 500mg BDwith tamboola Patra svarasa. After meals
3 Dashamula Rasayana 1 tsf BD with warm water after meals.
4 Talisadi Churna 3 gm TID with honey after meals
5 Mahamrityunjaya Rasa 250 mg BD with warm water after meals.
6 Pippalyadi Kashaya 20 ml BD with warm water before meals.
Yoga Therapy
Nadi Shodhana ( alternate breathing ) , Surya Bhedana.
Viparitakarni ( the inverted posture )
Diet and lifestyle
Pathya ( indications )
1 Light diet. Ginger treated water for drinking.
Apthya ( Contraindications )
1Day sleep . Cold drinks. Oily foods
2Avoid cold . Damp living . working and sleeping quarters.
3 Eliminate meat . Dairy products . White flour foods and sugar .
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