Thursday, 29 August 2019

Tropical Eoisinophilia

Tropical Eoisinophilia

Tropical Eoisinophilia is caused by wuchereia Bancroft a filarial infections


A persistent or recurrent cough that gets aggravated at night

1 Dyspnoea

2 Wheezing

3 Weight loss

4 Low fever

5 weakness

Principal of Treatment

1 Shavsa roga needs emergency treatment due to its fatal natural

2 Ekanta Chikitsa such as kaphahara and vatakara or Vatahara and kaphakara should be not done however among these vatanashaka Chikitsa is better

3 in all cases for brumhana Chikitsa there is little and manageable risk for Shamana Chikitsa the risk is not too much and for karshana Chikitsa the risk is high and unmanageable hence the patients of shvasa roga should be managed with brumhana or samna Chikitsa

4 Shvasahara dravya guna - kapha _ vataguna , ushna , Vatanulomana .

5 Ghirtha Pana yogya avastha - dryness of throat , chest , palate , and body .

6 Svedana - In Shvasa associated with raktapitta in grabhini , rukshna dhatu , Kashaya , pitta prakruti Svedana is contraindicated . In such cases mild fomentations with utkarika should be given .


1 Abhyanga -  Saindhava Taila

2 Svedana - Dashamula Nadi Sveda

3 Sadyo Vamana - Vacha , Saindhava and Madhutailika with honey.

Shamana Chikitsa

1 Mallasindoora 30 - 60 mg TID with honey after meals

2 Talasindoora 60 mg BD with warm water after meals

3 Haridra Khanda 1 tsf BD with warm water after meals.

4 Chyavana prasha Leha 1 tsf BD with warm milk after meals.

5 Sameerapannaga Rasa 125 mg BD with warm water after meals.

6 Svarna Sameerapannaga Rasa 65mg BD with warm water after meals

7 Shvasa kasa chintamani 65 mg BD with honey after meals.

8 Pushkaramoolasava 2 to 3 TID with water after meals.

Pathya ( indications )

Low fat , hot diet

Apathya ( contraindications )

Irritating , oily , curd , sour , talking during meals , taking food in hurry.

Monday, 26 August 2019

Chronic Bronchitis

Chronic Bronchitis

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchial tubes . and causes cough with expectorant .


1 Cigarette smoking is the most common cause.


1 Difficulty in breathing

2 Productive cough

3 Yellowish or greenish sputum with bad odor .

4 fever

Principal of Treatment

1 Kashyaja kasa Shamana Chikitsa.

2 Use of srotoshodhana . deepan and Brimahana Chikitsa alternative .

 Shoshana Chikitsa


1 Abhyanga - Saindhava Taila

2 Svedana - Dashamula Nadi Sveda

3 Sadyo Vamana -Vacha , Saindhava and Madhutailika with honey


Ghirtha Pana - Pippalyadi Ghirtha / PTG / Murchita Taila.

4 Virechana - Icchabhedi Rasa Vati 250mg with Decoction of Trivrit + Triphala 50ml + Gomutra 50 ml

Shamana Chikitsa

Recommended Classical Formulation

1 Shvasakuthara Rasa 125 mg BD with 10 ml Nagavali Savarasa and honey after meals.

2 Chandramrita Rasa 250 mg BD with honey after meals

3 Agastya Haritaki Leha 1 tsf BD with warm milk after meals

4 Vasavaleha 1 tsf BD with warm milk after meals

5 Dashamula Rasayana 1 tsf BD with warm milk after meals

6 Talisadi Churna 1/2 tsf with honey TID after meals

7 Shringyadi Churna 1/2 tsf with honey TID after meals.

8 Vasarishta 2 tsf BD with warm water after meals .

9 Pippalyadi asava 2 tsf TID  with warm water after meals.

Yoga Therapy

1  Bhujangasana

2 Shalabhasana

3 Dahnurasana

4 Ushtrasana

5 Chakraasan

6 Shavasana

*Pranayama ..

1 Anuloma - Viloma Deep Breath ( 15 minutes )

2 Ujjayi Pranayama with out kumbhaka ( 10 minutes)

3 Right Nostrils Purak followed by Bhramari Rechaka ( 21 round )

* Meditation for 15 to 30 minutes.

Diet and lifestyle

Pathya ( indications )

1 low fat , light , hot diet , not too oily , not too dry.

Apathya ( Contraindications )

1 Cold

2 irritating oily

3 sour

4 curd , avoid milk and milk products.

5 Avoid gas forming foods.

Bandhyatva ( Female Infertility )

Bandhyatva ( Female Infertility )

Infertility is the term used for women who are unable to conceive after at least one year of regular unprotected coitus .


1 Physical problem with the uterine wall

2 Uterine fibroid

3 Poor diet

4 Smoking drug and alcohol

5 Hormonal imbalance

6 Stress

7 Being overweight or underweight

8 Blocked Fallopian tube the endometriosis , PID , Or Surgery

9 Other health problems such as STD..



1 Snehana - Phala Ghirtha

2 Bashpa Sveda

3 Virechana - Trivirt Leha 30gm Gandharvahastadi Taila 30 ml with warm water.

4 Garbhashyagata Uttra basti with Shatpushpa

Taila 5 ml ( reference Kashyap Samhita )

5 Madhutailika Basti ( Sneh Phala Ghirtha) × 8days

6 Yoni Picchu - Dashamula Taila

Regular oil massage and steam .

Simple Remedies

1 Take 3 tsf powder prepared from Asparagus recemosus , Anethum graveolens and Saraca Ashoka 2 time a day .

2 Take a 20 ml decoction of asparagus recemosus and Saraca Ashoka 2 time day.

Lab Investigation

1 Haemogram

2 Urine routine micro

3 Serum estrogen , progesterone , FSH, LH

4 Serum prolactin

5 Thyroid Profile

6 Semen Analysis ( Husband. )

7 USG for ovulation study .

8 HSG for tubal patency

9 Endometrial biopsy

10 Laproscopy - hysteroscopy Husband -.  Scrotal sonography.


1 Anovulatory cycle by USG

2 Block tubes by HSG

3 EB for endometrial tuberculosis

4 Laproscopy - Endometriosis

5 Scrotal sonography - Varicocele

6 Serum FSH level for premature ovarian failure .

7 Progesterone - Corpus luteum insufficient

8 Prolactin - Prolactinoma.

Principal of Treatment

Uterine tonic , restoration of normal physiology , Vatanulomana.

Recommended Classical Formulation

Saman Chikitsa

1 Nashtapushpantaka rasa 125 mg - 250 mg TID with honey after meals

2 Pushpadhanva Rasa 125 mg - 250 mg BD with honey after meals

3 Phalaghrita 10 - 20ml BD before meals.

4 Phala Kalyanka sarpi 10 ml BD after meals

5 Sukumara Kashaya 20 ml BD after meals

6 Shatavari Leha 1 tsf OD after meals

7 Rasa panchkyoga 20 ml BD after meals

8 Shatavari Shatpushpa Churna 3 gm TID after meals.

Yoga and Pranayama

1 Saravangasan

2 Shavasana

3 Padmasana

4 Setubandhasana

5 Viparitakarni Asana


1 Anuloma

Viloma Bhastrika


Pathya - Mudga , shali , godhuma , tila , fruits and green vegetables .

Apathya - Abhishyandi , Guru , Viruddha Ahara , Fish , Curd , heavy , fried food , stress .

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