Monday, 26 August 2019

Bandhyatva ( Female Infertility )

Bandhyatva ( Female Infertility )

Infertility is the term used for women who are unable to conceive after at least one year of regular unprotected coitus .


1 Physical problem with the uterine wall

2 Uterine fibroid

3 Poor diet

4 Smoking drug and alcohol

5 Hormonal imbalance

6 Stress

7 Being overweight or underweight

8 Blocked Fallopian tube the endometriosis , PID , Or Surgery

9 Other health problems such as STD..



1 Snehana - Phala Ghirtha

2 Bashpa Sveda

3 Virechana - Trivirt Leha 30gm Gandharvahastadi Taila 30 ml with warm water.

4 Garbhashyagata Uttra basti with Shatpushpa

Taila 5 ml ( reference Kashyap Samhita )

5 Madhutailika Basti ( Sneh Phala Ghirtha) × 8days

6 Yoni Picchu - Dashamula Taila

Regular oil massage and steam .

Simple Remedies

1 Take 3 tsf powder prepared from Asparagus recemosus , Anethum graveolens and Saraca Ashoka 2 time a day .

2 Take a 20 ml decoction of asparagus recemosus and Saraca Ashoka 2 time day.

Lab Investigation

1 Haemogram

2 Urine routine micro

3 Serum estrogen , progesterone , FSH, LH

4 Serum prolactin

5 Thyroid Profile

6 Semen Analysis ( Husband. )

7 USG for ovulation study .

8 HSG for tubal patency

9 Endometrial biopsy

10 Laproscopy - hysteroscopy Husband -.  Scrotal sonography.


1 Anovulatory cycle by USG

2 Block tubes by HSG

3 EB for endometrial tuberculosis

4 Laproscopy - Endometriosis

5 Scrotal sonography - Varicocele

6 Serum FSH level for premature ovarian failure .

7 Progesterone - Corpus luteum insufficient

8 Prolactin - Prolactinoma.

Principal of Treatment

Uterine tonic , restoration of normal physiology , Vatanulomana.

Recommended Classical Formulation

Saman Chikitsa

1 Nashtapushpantaka rasa 125 mg - 250 mg TID with honey after meals

2 Pushpadhanva Rasa 125 mg - 250 mg BD with honey after meals

3 Phalaghrita 10 - 20ml BD before meals.

4 Phala Kalyanka sarpi 10 ml BD after meals

5 Sukumara Kashaya 20 ml BD after meals

6 Shatavari Leha 1 tsf OD after meals

7 Rasa panchkyoga 20 ml BD after meals

8 Shatavari Shatpushpa Churna 3 gm TID after meals.

Yoga and Pranayama

1 Saravangasan

2 Shavasana

3 Padmasana

4 Setubandhasana

5 Viparitakarni Asana


1 Anuloma

Viloma Bhastrika


Pathya - Mudga , shali , godhuma , tila , fruits and green vegetables .

Apathya - Abhishyandi , Guru , Viruddha Ahara , Fish , Curd , heavy , fried food , stress .

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