Tinea Versicolor is a condition characterized by a rash on the trunk and proximal
Extremities and is caused by the malassezia globosa fungus .
Symptoms - Generally oval or irregular shaped spots. , Occasionally fine
Scaling fine of the skin producing a very superficial ash - like.
Sometime severe pin prickly itching in the affected areas.
Different Diagnosis - Features Sidhma. Dadru
Dosha. Vata kapha. Pitta kapha
Sthana Ura ( chest ).
Akriti. Alabu pushpa. Atasi pushpa
Munchati. Positive. Negative
Lesions Shveta , Tamra Rakta Varna
Not told. Told
Equivalent Tenia Versicolor. Ring Worms
Principal of Treatment - Kapha - Vataghna , Raktaprasadaka Chikitsha
Simple Remedies - Take bath with warm water added with neem leavs
Mix purified sulphur and neem bark powder with petroleum jelly and apply Three Times
Apply crushed garlic to the affected area on the outside of the body
Alternative with honey .
Apply tea tree oil times a day.
Recommended Classical Formulation
Gandhak Rasayana Vati 2 BD After Food with hot water
Patoladi Vati 2 BD After Food with hot water.
Nalpamaradi Taila - External Application BD
Sindooradi lepam - External Application BD
Six c ointment Locally Apply BD
Yoga Therapy
1 Surya namaskara
2 Sarvangaasana
Pranayama - Kapalabhati
Diet and lifestyle
Pathya ( indicated )
Light , not too oily , not too dry foods.
Apathya ( Contraindicated )
Avoid sour ,salty , spicy food, milk , in take of milk , cola , junk food
Fish , alcohol , smoking .
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