Red coloured eruptions occur suddenly most commonly due to allergies.
1 Abhishyandi and Kaphaprakopakara
2 Pittaprakopakara and Raktadushikara
3 Visha Janana Hetus.
4 Panchakarma mithya yoga - Vamana and Virechana Ayoga .Sveda Atiyoga.
1 Tirst
2 Aruchi
3 Hrillasa
4 Dehasada
5 Gaurava
6 Rakta Netra
1 Red colored small to big rashes
2 Severe itching
3 Burning
4 Nausea and Vomiting
5 Fever
6 Burning sensation
It is having symptology but only difference is doshika dominancy . Shittapitta having vata dominancy while udarda having kapha dominancy .
Only one different symptoms of udarda is sotsanga saraga mandala
( The red itchy rash having depression in center)
- Mandalani ( Kotha )
- Kandu
- Ragavanti
- Bahuni ( spread all over the body )
Different Diagnosis
Featured. Sheetapitta
- Dosha - Vatapradhana
- Nidana - Sudden change of climate
- Main Symptoms - Toda and vedana
Features - Udard
- Dosha - Kapha Pradhan
- Nidana - Shishira ritu
- Main Symptoms- Kandu , Vamana
Features - Kotha
Dosha - Kapha Pradhan
Nidana - Panchakarma mithya yoga
Symptoms - Kandu
Principal of Treatment
1 Shodhana - Vamana , Virechana , Raktmokshana
Sarshapa Taila Abhyanga
Interanal Snehana - MTG , Guduchi ghrita
Abhyanga - Sarshapa Taila
Vamana - Patola + Nimba + Vasa kwath or sadyo Vamana without
Ghritapana & Svedana.
Virechana - Manibhadra Guda or Trivrit - katuki - Draksha Kashaya
Shamana Chikitsha
Drug of choice - sarshapa Taila
Main Drug - Gandhak .Gairika , Karanja
Naimittika Rasayana - Haridra Gandhak Rasayana
Simple Remedies
1 Ginger powder with honey
2 Take 1gm Hyoscyamine Niger powder with jaggery
3 oil massage with mustard oil this is regarding as best for urticaria.
Recommended Classical Formulation
- Shleshmapittantaka Rasa 125 mg TID After Food with hot water
- Shittapitta bhanjana Rasa 125mg BD After Food with hot water.
-laghu sootashekhara Rasa 500mg TID After Food with hot water.
- Gandhak Rasayana 500mg TID After Food with hot water.
- Haridra Khanda 6 gm TID after food with hot water .
Diet and lifestyle
Pathya ( indicated )
1. light diet prepared from less salt and spice
Apathya ( Contraindicated )
Hot , spicy , oily food , alcohol , egg , fish , meat , milk products
and allergies medicine try to identify the food allergy caused rash and avoid completely
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