Sunday, 30 June 2019

Bird Flu

Most brid flu virus can only infect other birds. bird flu can pose health risks to people.


Contact with infected bird . eating raw meat.


1 Fever

2 Headache

3 Pain

4 Weakness

5 Anorexia

6 Vomiting

7 Giddiness

Line of Treatment

Shamana Chikitsa

Recommended Classical Formulation

1 Sudarshan Churna 2 - 3 gm with honey TID after meals.

2 Dashamula kasturyadi Kashaya 2 - 3 tsf BD with warm water after meals.

3 Talisadi Churna 2 gm with honey TID after meals.

4 Tribhuvanakirti Rasa 2 Vati BD with warm water after meals.

5 Godanti Bhasma 250 mg TID with warm water after meals

Diet and lifestyle

Pathya ( indications )

Fasting or light diet for 5 days , rest raw meat.

Apthya ( Contraindications )

Heavy meals , alcohol , coitus , exercise.

Saturday, 29 June 2019

Pratishyaya ( Common Cold )

Pratishyaya ( Common Cold )

Ayurveda terms common cold as Prathishyaya. Vitiation of Vata and Kapha individually or together, is generally involved in the ailment.


1 Bacterial infections

2 Viral infections

3 Allergy

4 Deviated nasal septum

5 Eye diseases related to nasolacrimal duct.


1 Running nose

2 fever

3 Heavyness of head


5 Sore throat

Principal of Treatment

Shodhana Chikitsa ( Panchakarma )

1 Upavasa or Langhana

2 Pachana

3 Kaphavataghna

4 Svedana

Shamana Chikitsa

Recommended Classical Formulation

1 Lakshmi Vilas Ras 125 - 250 mg TID with honey after meals.

2 Mrityunjaya Rasa 125 - 250 mg with honey after meals

3 Tribhuvanakirti Rasa 125 mg BD with warm water after meals

4 Sudharshana Vati 500mg BD with warm water before meals.

5 Talisadi Churna 2 - 3 gm TID with honey after meals.

6 Sitopaladi Churna 2 gm BD with warm water after meals.

Diet and lifestyle

Pathya ( indications )

1 Fasting or light diet for 5 days , rest , Ginger tea

Apthya ( Contraindications )

1 Heavy meals , alcohol , coitus , exercise.

Friday, 28 June 2019

Pyorrhea ( Periodontal Diseases )

Pyorrhea ( Periodontal Diseases )

Pyorrhea or periodontal is an advanced stage of periodontal diseases in which the ligament and bone that supports the teeth become inflamed and infected if left untreated it lead to bone loosening and eventual loss of teeth.


1 Poor hygiene

2 Eating a diet high in sugar.

3 Chronic illness

4 Smoking use of excessive alcohol

5 Deficiency if vitamin C , bioflavonoids , calcium , folic acid .or niacin.


1 Bad breath or Halitosis

2 Mouth abscess or ulcer

3 Losse teeth

4 Red , Inflamed , Bleeding

5 Deep pockets between the teeth and gums.

6 Losse teeth 

Line of Treatment

Shodhana Chikitsa ( Panchakarma )

1 Snehana - MTG

2 Bashpa Sveda 

3 Vamana - Madanphala yoga

4 Virechana - Haritaki Churna

5. Leech application

Simple Remedies

1 Rub the teeth and gums with Triphala masi

2 Gargling with lukewarm decoction of khadira and Neema 

Recommended Classical Formulation

1 Sarivadi Vati 500mg TID with warm water before meals

2 Gandhaka Rasayana 500mg BD with warm water after meals.

3 Varunadi Kwath 20 ml BD with warm water after meals.

4 Dashana Sanskara Churna - For rubbing teeth and gum .

5 Irimedadi Taila -For Gargling BD

Diet and Lifestyle

Pathya ( indications )

1 Brush with Neem and kahadira powder

2 Rinse the food from your mouth after each meals and clean your teeth after every meal.

Apthya ( Contraindications )

1 Avoid hard brushing

2 Avoid hot and cold drinks

3 Avoiding excess use of sugar

4 Avoid Smoking , Tabecoo

Thursday, 27 June 2019

Gingivitis ( Bleeding Gums)

Gingivitis is a from of periodontal diseases . Periodontal diseases involved inflammation and infection that destroys the tissues supporting the teeth . including the gums the periodontal ligament.and the tooth sockets ( alveolar bone )


1 General illness

2 Pregnancy

3 Poor dental hygiene

4 Uncontrolled diabetes


1 Bleeding Gums

2 Bright red or red - purple appearance to gums.

3 Gums that are tender when touched .but otherwise painless .

4 Swollen gums

5 Shiny gums

6 Mouth sores.

Line of Treatment

Shodhana Chikitsa


1 Snehana - MTG

2 Bashpa Sveda

3 Virechana - Trivrit Leha 20 gm 

4 Leech Application

Simple Remedies

1 Rub the teeth and gums with Triphala masi

2 Rub the teeth with of bakula , vajradanti , rock salt, clove.

3 Gargling with lukewarm water decoctions of Triphala and neem bark.

4 Oil pulling should be done twice a day.

Recommended Classical Formulation

Triphala Masi - For rubbing on teeth and gum

Sarivadi Vati 2 BD with warm water after meals.

Kaishora Guggul 2 Vati BD with warm water before meals.

Orocare Powder - For rubbing on teeth and gum.

Diet and lifestyle

Pathya ( indications )

1 Brush with charcoal powder

2 Polish teeth with baking soda .

Apthya ( Contraindications )

1 Avoid hard brushing can scratch your tooth enamel

2 The super whitening tooth abrasive take off even more.

3 Avoid Excess use sugar , hot drinks , cold drinks.

Wednesday, 26 June 2019

Tooth Decay ( Dental Caries )

Tooth Decay ( Dental Caries )

Decaying of the enamel and then followed by bony mass of teeth.


1 Hot drinks like coffee

2 Tobacco chewing

3 Excess sugar

4 Smoking

5 Not brushing and cleaning properly

6 Sticky food


1 Tooth pain or achy feeling . Particularly after sweet . hot or cold foods and drinks.

2 Visible pits or hole in the teeth.

Simple Remedies

1 Swish warm salt water in your mouth and spit it out .Do this after every meal and before retiring at night stir 1 TSP of salt into a glass full of water at body temperature.

2 Do oil pulling therapy as told in tartar treatment.

3 Somewhat warm salt water .held in the mouth will bring relief .

4 Apply 1 - 2 drops of oil cloves to the affected tooth with a cotton swab if the oil seems too strong .dilute it with olive oil.

5 Rinse you r mouth vigorously with a mouthful of lukewarm water if the pain is from caught between the teeth this may flush it out.

6 put a charchol tablets in your mouth and with your tounge or cheek press it against the swollen gum at base of the problem tooth .

7 Rub the teeth and gums with Triphala masi ( charchol + Triphala )
Twice a day.

Recommended Classical Formulation

Triphala Masi - For rubbing on teeth and gum

Dashana Sanskara Churna - For rubbing on teeth and gum.

Peetak Churna - For rubbing on teeth and gum

Dantaprabha Powered - For rubbing on teeth and gum.

Gum tone powder - rubbing on teeth and gum.

Diet and lifestyle

Pathya ( Indications )

1 Brush with charcoal powder

2 Rinse the food from your mouth after each meals and clean your teeth after every meal.

3 Polish teeth with a baking soda.

Apthya ( Contraindications )

1 Avoid hard brushing can scratch your teeth enamel.

2 The super whitening tooth abrasive take of even more.

3 Avoiding excess use of hot drinks.

4 Avoid cold drinks.

Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Tartar ( Stained Teeth )

Tartar ( Stained Teeth )


1 Hot drinks like coffee

2 Tobacco chewing

3 Excess sugar use

4 Smoking

5 Not brushing and cleaning properly

6 Sticky food


The teeth are darker and more yellow than normal.

Simple Remedies

1 Oil pulling is a safe remedy that cures and prevent diseases . In the morning on empty stomach . Take one tablespoons of sunflowers oil and move oil slowly in the mouth as rinsing or swishing . swishing stimulate the release of enzymes and the toxins out of the blood the oil should not be swallowed because it has become toxic when the oil gets thinner and white if the oil is still yellow it thoroughly rinsed and mouth should be washed.

2 Rub the teeth and gum with Triphala masi ( charchol of Triphala ) twice or thrice a day.

3 Rub the teeth with powder of bakula vajradanti . rock salt . Clove  . Charchol or Triphala.

Recommended Classical Formulation

1 Triphala Masi  - For rubbing on teeth and gum.

2 Dashana Sanskara Churna - For rubbing on teeth and gum.

3 Peetaka Churna - For rubbing on teeth and gum.

4 Irimedadi Taila -For Gargling BD

Diet and lifestyle

Pathya ( indications )

1 Brush with charcoal powder .

2 Rinse the food from your mouth after each meals and clean your teeth after every meal.

3 Polish teeth with baking soda . Many of the stains are acid in nature and soda neutralises and remove them .

Apthya ( Contraindications )

1 Avoid hard brushing can scratch your tooth enamel .

2 The super - whitening tooth abrasive take off even more .

3 Avoid Excess use of hot drinks.

4 coffee and cigarette are a primary cause of tooth staining stop using them both and you will look much prettier.

5 Avoiding cola drinks ( by their acidic property destroy the enamel )

Monday, 24 June 2019

Mukha Daurgandhya ( Halitosis )

Mukha Daurgandhya ( Halitosis )

Halitosis ( bad breath ) is unpleasant odors exhaled in breathing


1 Diseases of gum and teeth.

2 Diseases of oral cavity.

3 Chronic Liver diseases

4 Renal infection and renal failure

5 lower respiratory tract infections

6 carcinoma

7 Diabetes Mellitus

Principal of Treatment

Shodhana Chikitsa ( Panchakarma )

1 Snehana - PTG / GTG.

2 Bashpa Sveda

3 Vamana - Madanphala yoga

4 Virechana - Manibhadra Guda 30 to 50 gm with warm water.

5 Shirovirechana Nasya with apamarga tandula or shigru Taila

6 Raktamokshana - Siravyadha

Simple Remedies

1 Gently cleaning the tounge surface and soft palate twice daily is the most effective ways to keep bad breath in control.

2 Gargling right before bedtime with an effective mouth wash .

Recommended Classical Formulation

1 Arogyavardhini Vati 500mg TID with honey after meals.

2 Mahatiktaka Kashaya 20 ml BD with warm water after meals.

3 Phalatrikadi Kashaya 20 ml TID with warm water after meals..

4 Lavangadi vati 2 for 5 times with warm water.

5 Peetaka Churna - Pratisarana.

6 Irimedadi Taila - Gandoosha

Diet and lifestyle

Maintaining proper oral hygiene . Including daily tounge cleaning . Brushing . Flossing . and periodic visite to dentists and hygienist . Clean tounge with copper or steel tounge cleaner.

Brush thoroughly at least twice a day and floss daily

Brush with baking soda powder

Always keep the oral mucosa wet.

After meals gargle with water for at least 20 second s

Apthya ( Contraindications )

1 Avoid Garlic and onions etc  cinnamon or fennel.

Mukhapaka ( Stomatitis )

Mukhapaka ( Stomatitis )

Stomatitis in an inflammation of the mucosa layer of mouth.


1 Pittaprakopaka Ahara vihara Sevana.


Dificiency of vitamin B 2 ( Riboflavin ) B 3 ( Niacin ) , B 6 ( Pyridoxine )
B 9 ( folic acid ) or B 12 ( Cobalamin )

1 Poorly fitted dentures

2 Medication

3 Radiotherapy

4 Brun from hot food or drink

5 Allergic reaction

6 Chemotherapy

Principal of Treatment

1 Pittahara

2 Pittarechaka

3 Raktapachaka Chikitsa


1 Snehana - PTG / MTG

2 Bashpa Sveda

3 Virechana - Avipattikara Churna 40 gm with warm milk or Trivirt Leha 20 - 40 gm with warm milk.

Simple Remedies

1 Gandoosha - Ksheera Gandoosha 10 - 15 minutes . Repeat 2 to 3 times day.

2 Gandoosha with decoction of khadira and babul tvak.

3 Apply Tankana Bhasma with honey

4 Apply purified hematite ( Gairika ) with cows ghee.

5 Apply licorice powder with cow ghee.

Recommended Classical Formulation

1 Kamadugha Rasa 2 Vati BD TID before meals with warm water.

2 Suddha Gairika Churna 250 mg with ghee  after meals.

3 Muktishukti bhasma 250 mg with Ghee after meals.

4 Avipattikara Churna 2 gm BD with milk after meals.

5 Tiktaka Ghirtha 10 ml  TID with milk  after meals.

6 Jatyadi Ghirtha locally Apply BD

Diet and lifestyle

Pathya ( Indications )

Sweet , bland diet , nutrition diet , free vegetables , fruits , whole wheat diet .

Apthya ( Contraindications )

Hot drinks , spicy , hot , excess oily food , constipation , alcohol smoking .

Sunday, 23 June 2019

Virddhi ( Hernia )


Protrusion of an internal organ through a weak area of muscle . Most hernias occurs in the abdomen.


A combination of muscle weakness and Straining such as with heavy lifting cough , prostate gland enlargement and Constipation contribution in causation of hernia.

Some people are born with weak abdominal muscles and may be more likely to get a hernia.


There are usually no symptoms .some people discomfort or pain. The discomforts may be worse when you stand or lift heavy objects in time most people will complain about a bump that is sore and growing .

If a hernia gets bigger it may stuck inside the hole and lose its blood supply this is called strangulation if this occurs you will be need a urgent surgery.


Impulse on couging when the area of swelling in palpated .


Medicinal treatment is helpful in mild to moderate degree hernias .

The outcomes for most hernias is with surgical treatment usually good with treatment it is rare for a hernia to come back .incisional hernias are more likely to return.

Principal of Treatment

1 Vatanulomana

2 Vatahara Chikitsa

3 Brimhana

Shodhana Chikitsa


1 Brimhana Basti

2 Matra Basti - Sukumara Ghirtha 70ml 8 days.

Recommended Classical Formulation

1 Vriddhibadhika vati 250- 500mg TID with warm water after meals.

2 Nityanand Rasa 250 - 500mg TID with warm water after meals.

3 Kankayana vati 250 mg BD with warm water after meals.

4 Ksheera Bala Taila 101 10 drops BD

5 Balarishta 20 ml BD with warm water after meals.

6 Mahanarayan Taila -   Abhyanga

Yoga and Pranayama

1 Pavanmuktasana

2 Vajrasana

3 mastyasan

4 Halasana

5 Sarvangasana.

Diet and lifestyle

Pathya ( indications )

1 Ushna , Snigdha , Madhura , Amla , Lavana

Regular Abhyanga use proper lifting technique , weight reduction in obese patients.

Apthya ( Contraindications )

1 Constipation , Gas forming foods , dadhi , Sheeta , Kashaya Rasa Dravya  , Vatakara ahara.

Weight lifting . Long standing . long sitting . Straining while passing stool . Cough. Constipating . Flatulence.

Saturday, 22 June 2019

Jalodara ( Ascites )

Jalodara ( Ascites )

Ascites is the accumulation of free fluid in the space between lining of the abdomen and Abdominal organs.


Ascites results from high pressure in the blood vessels of the liver ( portal hypertension ) and low level of a protein called albumin.

Diseases that can cause severe liver damage can lead to ascites . These include long term hepatitis C or B infection and alcohol abuse over many years.

People with certain cancer in the abdomen may develop ascites these include cancer of the Colon . Ovaries . Uterus . Pancreas and liver

Other conditions that can cause this problems including.

1 Clots in the veins of the liver ( porat vein thrombosis )

2 Congestive heart failure

3 Pancreatitis

4 Thickening and scarring of the sac like covering of the heart kidney dialysis may also be linked to ascites.


Symptoms may develop slowly or suddenly depending on the causes of ascites . You may have no symptoms if there is only a small amount of fluids in the Belly .

As more fluid collects you may have abdominal pain and bloating large amounts of can cause shortness of breath.

Many other symptoms of liver failure may also be present.

Exams and Test

Physical exam to determine the amount of fluids in your belly fluids thrill test.

Shifting dullness test

You may also have the following test to assess your liver and kidney

1.. 24 -hours urine collection

2 Electrolyte levels

3 Kidney Functions Test

4 Liver Function Test

5 Test to measure the risk of bleeding and protein levels in the blood

6 Urinalysis

7 Abdominal Ultrasound

Your doctor may also use a thin needle to withdraw ascites fluids from your belly . The fluid is tested to look for the causes of ascites.

Principal of Treatment

Shodhana Chikitsa


1 Virechana

2 Niruha Basti

3 Anuvasana Basti

Shamana Chikitsa

Drug of choice - Katuki , Jayaphala .Camel milk .

Main Drug's - Katuki , Pippli , Punarnava. Gokshukra.

Recommended Classical Formulation

1 Ichhabhedi Ras 125 mg TID with warm water after meals

2 Jalodarari Rasa 125 mg TID with warm water after meals.

3 Narach Rasa 125 mg BD with warm water after meals.

4 Punarnava Mandura 500mg TDS after meals with water .

5 Punarnavashtaka kwath 20 ml BD with warm water before meals.

6 Trikatu Churna 1 gm BD with warm water after meals.

Pathya ( indications )

Cow milk , yava , moonga , cow urine .

Apthya ( Contraindications )

Guru , Vidhahi , Abhishyandi substances , excess salt.

Friday, 21 June 2019

Amoebic Liver Abscess

Amoebic Liver Abscess

It can be compared with Abhyantara Vidhradhi.
Amoebic Liver abscess is a collection of pus in the liver in response to an intestinal parasite.


Amoebic Liver Abscess is caused by entamoeba histolytica . this is the same parasite that causes amoebic . an intestinal infection has occurred the parasite may be carried by the blood from the intestine to the liver.
The diseases spread from eating food or water that has been contaminated with feces ( something due to the use of human waste as fertilizer ) it is also spread through person to person contact.

The infection occurs worldwide but is most common in tropical areas where crowded living conditions and poor sanitation exist . Africa Latin American , Southeast Asia and India have significant health problems from this diseases.

Risk factors for Amoebic Liver abscess including.

1 Alcoholic

2 Cancer

3 Immunosuppression including HIV infections

4 Malnutrition

5 Old age

6 Pregnancy

7 Recent travel to a tropical resion.

8 Steroids


1 Abdominal Pain , particular in the right , upper part of the abdomen.pain in intense , continuous or stabbing.

2 Cough

3 Diarrhoea

4 Hiccups

5 Loss of appetites

6 Weight loss

7 Fever and chills

8 Jaundice

9 Sweating

Lab Investigation



3 Serological for amoebiasis

4 Stool testing for amoebiasis

5 USG - Abdomen

6 CT Scan - Abdomen


Principal of Treatment

Shodhana Chikitsa


1 Pachana - Panchkola Churna 3 gm TID for 3 days.

2 Snehana - Katukarohinyadi Ghirtha

3 Virechana - Patoladi Kashaya 80 ml

4 Raktamokshana - Siravyadha.

Shamana Chikitsa

1 Agnitundi Vati 250 mg TID with honey

Before meals.

2 Arogyavardhini Vati 250 - 500mg BD with honey after meals.

3 Panchatika Ghirtha Guggul 2 TID with warm water after meals.

4 Kutaja arista 20ml TID with warm water after meals.

5 Varunadi Kwath 20 ml BD with warm water before meals.

Yoga Therapy

1 Kapalabhati 5 Minutes

2 Bhastrika 5 minutes.

Diet and lifestyle

Pathya ( indications )

1 Katu , Tikta , Kashaya Rasa darvya , Laghu , Ushna , Srotoshodhana Ahara .

Apthya ( Contraindications )

Madhura , Amla , Lavana Rasa Ahara Dravya. Viruddhahara , Ajeernashana.
Adhyashana , Abhishyandi Sahara.

Thursday, 20 June 2019

Pittashmari ( Chronic Cholecystitis )

Pittashmari ( Chronic Cholecystitis )

Cholecystitis is inflammation of the gall bladder that causes severe abdominal pain .


Gallstones occurs more often in women than men .
Above 40 age.


The main symptoms is Pain in the upper right side or upper middle of the abdomen . Pain may be sharp. Cramping or dull . Spread to the back or below the right shoulder.

1 Clay - colored stools

2 Fever

3 Nusea and Vomiting

4 Yellowing of skin and whites of the eyes. ( Jaundice )

Lab Investigation


2 Lipids profile

3 USG - Abdomen

4 CT - Abdomen

Diagnosis Clinical - Murphy s triad

Principal of Treatment

Shodhana Chikitsa

1 Pittarechaka

2 Vatanulomana.

3 khaphahara

4 Rakta Prasadaka .

Snehana with Patoladi Ghirtha ( if Jaundice is absent )

Virechana with Avipattikara Churna 40 gm with 50 ml katuki Kashaya and 10 ml honey .

Shamana Chikitsa

1 Arogyavardhini Vati 250 - 500 mg BD with kultha Kashaya and Honey
After meals.

2 Patolakaturohinyadi Kashaya
20 ml BD with warm water after meals.

3 Sootashekhara rasa 250 - 500 mg TID with warm water after meals.

4 Nityanand Rasa 250 - 500 mg BD with warm water after meals.

5 Tamra Parpati 250 - 500 mg BD with warm water before meals.

6 Shuddha Shilajatu 250 mg BD with honey after meals.

Diet and lifestyle

Pathya ( indications )

1 Light food . Fruits , Vegetables

Apthya ( Contraindications )

1 Avoid all meat . grease . processed fat and oil ,( including margarine and butter )

Avoid Obesity.

Liver Failure

Liver Failure

Halimaka can be compared with early hepatic degeneration .liver failure occurs when large part of the liver become damage beyond repair and liver is no longer able to function.

Liver failure is a life threatening condition that demand urgent medical care . Most often liver failure occurs a gradually and over many years. However a more rare condition known as acute liver failure occurs rapidly ( in as little as 48 hours) and can be difficult to detect initially.

The most common cause of chronic liver failure ( when the liver fails over months to years ) including

1 Hepatitis B , C

2 Long term alcohol consumption

3 Hemochromatosis

4 Cirrhosis

5 Malnutrition


The initial symptoms of liver failure are often ones that can be due to any number or conditions . Become of this liver failure may be initially difficulty to diagnosis.

1 Nausea

2Loss of Appetite

3 Fatigue

4 Diarrhoea

5 Jaundice

6 Swlloen abdomen

7 Sleepiness

8 Bleeding easily

9 Mental disorientation ( hepatic encephalopathy)

10 Coma

Principal of Treatment

1 Tikta Rasa , Yakrita Uttejaka , Rasayana , Mootral , Shophahara Dravya.

Classical Formulation

Shamana Chikitsa

1 Shiva Gutika 250- 500 mg TID with Guduchi Ghirtha after meals.

2 Tapyadi Loha 250 mg TID with warm water before meals.

3 Suvarnamakshiks bhasma 125- 250 mg BD with Tiktaka Ghirtha after meals.

4Sharapunka Loha 500mg TID with warm water before meals.

5 Vasaguduchyadi Kashaya 20 ml BD before meals with warm water.

Diet and lifestyle

Pathya ( indications )

Light warm . Energizing . Kultha yusha.
Aadhaki Yusha. Dhanyapanchaka siddha Mudga yusha.

Apthya ( Contraindications )

Fried . Fatty . Kapha increasing . Abhishyandi diet.

Tuesday, 18 June 2019

Cirrhosis of Liver

Cirrhosis of Liver

Cirrhosis is a consequence of chronic liver diseases characterized by replacement of liver tissue by fibrosis leading to liver dysfunction.
It is Vataja Yakrit Roga

Causes .

1 Alcohol

2 Fatty liver diseases

3 Heavy meals

4 Hepatitis B and C.

5 Toxic drug

6 Chronic pesticides poisoning


1 Loss of appetites

2 Flatulence

3 Impaired digestion worsen by fat intake.

4 Abdominal discomfort after meals

5 edema legs

6 Enlargement of the abdomen due to fluids collection.

7 Easy bleeding or nosebleed .

Lab Investigation



3 Lipid profile

4 PT ( Prothrombin time )

5 USG - Abdomen

6 CT - Abdomen


Principal of Treatment

1 Srotoshodhana

2 Mridushodhana

3 Yakrit Uttejaka

4 Pittarechaka

5 Madhura, Tikta , Rasa Dravya .

At Frist when liver parameters are high . Give Virechana  drugs and Shamana medicine till they come to near to normal and then Treat like a hepatitis B.

Line of Treatment


Shodhana Chikitsa

1 Snehana - Guduchi Ghirtha

2 Svedana - Mridu

3 Virechana - Mridu

4 Punarnavadi or brihatyadi yapana basti.

Shamana Chikitsa

1 Tapyadi Loha 250 - 500 mg With Ghirtha After meals.

2 Yakritplihari 250 mg BD With Dadima Ghirtha after meals

3 Shiva Gutika 250 - 500mg BD with Warm water before meals.

4 Kumaryasava 20 ml TID with warm water after meals.

5 Darshadi Kashaya 20 ml BD with warm water before meals.

6 Rohitakarishta 10 - 20 ml TID with warm water after meals.

Diet and lifestyle

Pathya ( Indications )

1 Light , Less oily , easily digest , Fruits , Green leafy vegetables.

Apthya ( Contraindications )

1 Avoid foods which tend to Constipation . When there is stagnation of toxins in colon ,
They are reabsorption into the system . and the liver tries to eliminate them.

Monday, 17 June 2019

Alcoholic Liver Diseases

Alcoholic Liver Diseases

Alcoholic Liver diseases is damage to the liver and it's function due to alcohol abuse.


Alcoholic Liver diseases occurs after years of heavy drinking . Alcohol can cause the inflammation in the liver .over time .scarring and cirrhosis can occur . cirrhosis is the final phase of alcoholic Liver diseases.

Alcoholic Liver diseases does not occur in all heavy drinkers. The chance of getting liver diseases go up the longer you have been drinking and more alcohol you consume . You do not get drunk for the diseases to happen.

The diseases seems to be more common in some families . Women may be more likely to have this problem than men.


1 Pain and swelling in the abdomen.

2 Nausea and Vomiting

3 Dry mouth and increased thirst

4 Jaundice

5 Anorexia

6 Weight loss

7 Fatigue

8 Bleeding from Esophageal enlarged veins.

9 Small . Red spider like vein on the skin.

Brain and Nervous system including

1 Problem with thinking . Memory and mood.

2 Fainting and light headaches.

3 Numbness in leg and feets.

Lab Investigation


2 USG - Abdomen

3 Liver Biopsy

4 Liver Function test

Principal of Treatment

1 Rukshna

2 Pachana

3 Shodhana


5 Kaphagna

6 Lekhana.


Shodhana Chikitsa

1Snehana - Guduchi Ghirtha

2 Virechana - Mridu

3 Saveda - Mridu

Shamana Chikitsa

1 Lokanatha Rasa 250 - 500mg TID with Honey After meals

2 Arogyavardhini Vati 250 mg BD with warm water before meals.

3 Phalatrikadi Kashaya 20 ml BD with warm water after meals.

4 Chandraprabha Vati 250 - 500 mg TID with warm water after meals.

5 Vasaguduchyadi Kashaya 20 ml BD with warm water after meals.

6 Maha Sudharshana Churna 1 tsf BD with warm water after meals.

Diet and lifestyle

Pathya ( indications )

1 Light warm . energizing , kultha , yusha , Aadhaki , Dhanyapanchaka siddha Mudga yusha .

2Takra . Loki . methi

Apthya ( Contraindications )

Fried . Fatty . Kapha increasing . Abhishyandi diet.

Sunday, 16 June 2019

Yakrit Roga ( Hepatitis )

Yakrit Roga ( Hepatitis )

Inflammation of the liver is called as hepatitis.


1 Viral infections

2 Excess use of alcohol.

3 Excess use of paracetamol and aspirin.

4 Copper poisoning.

Basic facts about Hepatitis A. B. C

Hepatitis is considered one of the most prevalent health problems of the 1990 s . The World Health Organisation report that 1.4 million cases of hepatitis A are treated annually world wide  . In the United States  . Close to 5 million adult have hepatitis B or C and this may be only a small percentage of the total of infected individual.

Risk factors

Major risk factors for hepatitis

The CDC lists household or sexual contact . day care attendance or employment and recent international travel to area with poor sanitation as major known risk factors fo infections with hepatitis A. Eating food prepared by infected food handlers and using contaminated needles are other risk factors.

Major risk factors for hepatitis B

In the United States the major risk factors for hepatitis B are unprotected sex with multiple partners and intravenous ( IV) drug use .

Major risk factors for hepatitis C

The major risk factors for acquiring hepatitis C are IV drug use and transfusions of blood products prior to 1992 . Other risk factors also contribute.

A complete list of risk factors for acquiring hepatitis A. B and C is provided in the following table.


Hepatitis A

1 Extreme tiredness

2 Muscle aches and pains

3 Low grade fever

4 Dark urine

5 Yellow Skin

6 Stomach Pain

7 Loss of appetites

8 Nausea and Vomiting

9 Itchy skin.

Hepatitis B

1 Fatigue

2 Headache

3 Skin rash

4 mild fever

5 joints pain

6 most people with chronic HBV have no symptoms.

Hepatitis C

1 Belly Pain

2 Sore muscle

3 Fatigue

4 Joints pain

5 Itchy skin

6 Dark Urine.

Principal of Treatment

1 Yakrit Uttejaka , Pittarechaka , Pittanashaka

Most cases of hepatitis are self Limiting and will heal with rest and supportive care.


Shoshana Chikitsa

1 Snehana  - Indulekha Ghirtha or Patoladi Kashaya 20 ml

2 Svedana - Hot water bath.

3 Virechana - Avipattikara Churna 40gm with milk or trivirt Leha 20 gm with milk.

Shamana Chikitsa

Recommended Classical Formulation

1 Arogyavardhini 250 - 500 mg TID with 10 ml Patoladi Ghirtha after meals.

2 Lokanatha Rasa 250 - 500 mg BD with Honey after meals.

3 Tapyadi Loha 250 mg TID with Honey After meals.

4 Sudharshana Churna 2 gm BD with warm water before meals.

5 Yakrit plihari Loha 250 - 500mg TID with Honey After meals.

6 Vasa Guduchyadi Kashaya 20 ml BD with water after meals.

Recommended Yoga Therapy

* Pranayama - Rhythmic breathing .
Nadi - Shodhana ( alternate breathing)

* Asanas - Uddiyana ( Raising of diaphragm )

Diet and lifestyle

Pathya ( Indications )

1 Drinking plenty of water.

2 Avoid Constipation

3 liver cleaning therapy drinking 20 ml bitter guard juice in the morning and apple juice evening.

4 Lemon juice

Apthya ( Contraindications )

1Avoiding Alcohol , Smoking , Tabecoo

2 Avoid Non Vegetarian food

Saturday, 15 June 2019

Kamala ( Jaundice )

Kamala ( Jaundice )

Kamala is a condition where the skin, eye and mucous membrane take yellow discoloration. In modern science jaundice is considered as symptom of liver disorder whereas in Ayurveda Kamala is taken as disease. In Ayurveda, increased intake of oily, spicy, hot and alkaline food, are depicted for aggravation of pitta dosha.


1 Ati - Ushna Ahara

2 Katu Amla lavana

3 Ati maithuna

4 Teekshana Ahara

5 Excessive exposure to fire . Sunlight.


1 Blood diseases - Hemolysis

2 infection - malaria

3 medicines

4 Genetic syndrome

5 live diseases

6 obstruction of bile ducts

According to Ayurveda two types of Kamala.

1 Koshtha - shakahashrita Kamala lakhshna

2 Shakahashrita Kamala lakhshna

* Koshtha Shakahashrita Kamala lakhshna

1 Haridra netra - mutra - tvak

2 Bhekavarna

3 Daha

4 Daurbalya

5 Aruchi

6 Raktapitta shakrit mutra

7 Hetendriya

8 Avipaka

9 Sadana

10 Karshita

* Shakahashrita Kamala lakhshna

1 Atopa

2 Hridaya gaurava

3 Alpagni

4 Hikka

5 Aruchi

6 Jvara

7 Shvasa

8 Shvetavarcha

9 Daurbalya.

Different Diagnosis

Koshtha ashrita Kamala - Shakahashrita Kamala ( Ruddhapatha )


1 Dosha

2 Pitta Dosha status

3 Pitta prakopaka

4 Pureesha

5 Mutra

6 Modern comparison

7 Increased bilirubin

8 Stercobilinogen in stool

*Koshtha ashrita Kamala

1 Vriddhatama pitta

2 pitta vriddhi at Koshtha and shakha

3 Svatantra

4 yellow

5 yellow

6 Hepatic jaundice

7 Both direct and indirect

8 present

*Shakahashrita Kamala

1Vriddha vata . Sama pitta moorchita kapha

2 pitta vriddhi at shakha only there will be no pitta in kostha due to obstruction by kapha

3 Tilapishtha samana . Containing fat.

4 yellow

5 obstructive jaundice

6 indirect

7 absent.

Lab Investigation


Principal of Treatment

For Koshtha Shakahashrita Kamala

Alpa Snehna . Mridu Shodhana . With Tiktaka Rasa darvya and then Pittahara Chikitsa.

For Shakahashrita Kamala

Kaphavataghna Chikitsa till malaranjana . After malaranjana the same treatment as told for Koshtha Shakahashrita Kamala should be given.

Shoshana Chikitsa

- Virechana - Virechana Darvya

Patolamuladi Kashaya 30 ml BD before food for 6 days.

Avipattikara Churna 20 gm with milk at morning.

Nasya - karkota Mula or jaliniphala Churna.

Anjana - Dronapushpi Svarasa.

Shamana Chikitsa

Main Drug's

Guduchi , Bhumyamalaki , katuki , kalamegha , patola , dhatri.

Simple Remedies

1 Juice of phyllanthus niruri - 20 ml empty stomach BD

2 Juice of Tinsopora Cardiofolia - 20 ml with milk empty stomach BD

Recommended Classical Formulation

1 Kamadugha Rasa 2 Vati TID with warm water after meals.

2 Tapyadi Loha 250 mg TID with warm water after meals.

3 Arogyavardhini vati 2 BD before meals with warm water.

5 patoladi kwath 20 ml BD with warm water after meals.

6 Vasaguduchyadi Kashaya 20 ml with water TID before meals.

7 Sudharshana Churna 2 gm BD with warm water before meals.

Diet and lifestyle

Pathya ( indications )

1 Jeerna godhuma , shali , Yush of Mudga , Aadhaki , Madura.

2 Patola , vriddha kushmanda , taruna kadaliphala , jevanti , ikshurasa.

Take a complete bed rest until the acute stage in past.

Start initially liquids fasting . followed by a light diet.

Apthya ( Contraindications )

1 Ushna . Katu. Amla . Lavana . Teekshana.

2 Avoid nicotinic . Alcohol . Caffeine . Fish. Fowl. Meat. Salt. Soft drinks. Tea . Fried food . Sugar . Fat.

Thursday, 13 June 2019

Lactose intolerance

Lactose Intolerance

Lactose intolerance means the body cannot easily digest lactose . a type of natural sugar found in milk and dairy products . This is not the same things as a food allergy to milk .

Symptoms of lactose intolerance can be mild to severe . depending on how much lactose your body makes. Symptoms usually begin 30 minutes to 2 hours you eat or drink milk products . If you have lactose intolerance . your symptoms may include.

1 Bloating

2 Pain or cramps

3 Gurgling or rumbling sounds in your belly .

4 Gas

5 Losse stools or diarrhoea

6 Throwing up.

Principal of Treatment

Kaphaja Grahani Shamana Chikitsa

Recommended Classical Formulation.

1 Changeri Khada Yush BD with Water after meals

2 Kaidaryadi Kashaya 20 ml TID with warm water before meals.

3 Bilvadi Gulika 2 Vati TID before meals with warm water.

4 Musta - Shunthi - Dhanyaka Siddha Takra .

Tuesday, 11 June 2019

Visoochika ( Cholera )

Visoochika ( Cholera )

Cholera is an infectious diseases that causes severe watery diarrhoea which can lead to dehydration and even death if untreated . It is caused by eating food or drinking water contaminated with a bacterium called vibrio cholerae.

Sing and Symptoms of dehydration including.

1Rapid heart rate .

2 Loss of skin elasticity ( the ability to return to original position quickly if pinched  )

3 Dry mucous membranes . Including the inside of the mouth . throat . nose and eyes lids.

4 Low blood pressure

5 Thirst .

6 Muscle cramps.

If not treated . dehydration can lead to shock and death in a matter of hours.

Cholera Prevention and Treatment

Although there is a vaccine against Cholera . the CDC and world health organisation don't normally  recommended it because it may not protect up to half of the people who received it and it lasts only a few months . However you can protect yourself and your family by using only water that has been boiled . water that has been chemically disinfected or bottles water . Be sure to use the bottle . Boiled or chemically disinfected water for the following purposes . Drinking preparing food or drink making a ice . Brushing your teeth . Washing your face and hands . Washing dishes . Washing fruits and vegetables.

Line of Treatment

1 Langhana

2 Pachana

Shamana Chikitsa

1 Sanjeevani  250 BD before meals with warm water.

2 Ramabana Rasa 250 mg TID after meals with warm water.

3 Karpoora Rasa 250 mg TID after meals with warm water.

4 Shankodara Rasa 250 mg TID before meals with warm water.

5 Vriddhagangadhara Churna 3 gm BD after meals with warm water.

Diet and lifestyle

Pathya ( Indications )

1 Fasting . Liquid diet .

2 coconut water

3 boiled cooled water

4 lemon juice.


6 Rest..

Apthya ( Contraindications )

1 Guru . Snigdha.  Sheeta Ahara.

Monday, 10 June 2019

Grahani ( Sprue / Malabsorption )

Grahani ( Sprue / Malabsorption )

Grahani is described as an Agni Adhishthana by most of the acharyas. Mandagni is a root cause of Ama Dosha and it is the crucial factor for manifestation of most of the diseases. Among them, Grahani is the prime disease of gastro-intestinal tract and seen often in day-to-day practice.


1 Very dry food

2 Heavy meals

3 Half cooked food

4 Cold food and cold drinks.

5 Excessive drinking of water

6 Fasting

7 Suppression of natural urges.

8 Excess oily food

9 Excess intake of Burger . Pizza

10 Excess sweet.

11 Incomplete diet

12 improper sleeping schedule

13 Worry . Anxiety . Fear / Phobia . Anger etc.


1 indigestion

2 Heaviness in Abdomen

3 Flatulence

4 Vomiting

5 Weakness

6 Difficulty in digestion

7 Chest burn

8 Diarrhoea

9 Disorders due to malnutrition anemia .edema.

Clinical features

1 Sudden passing of stool . Mixed with ama and food.

2 Something passing of stool when food is not digested ( undigested ) during digestion or after digestion.

3 There may be no elimination of stool at all.

4 Something passing of soils stool or something passing of loose ( liquid stool )

5 Elimination of stool occurs only after its accumulation in large intestine . This is present in chronic stage .

Vataja Grahani

1 Sashabda

2 Divaprakopa

3 Adhaman.

4 Antrakujanam.

5 Manasa sadanam .

    * These features are similar to ( IBS )

             Irritable Bowel Syndrome

This is condition in which the person get defecation with abdominal gripping immediately after meals.


1 Stree

2 Exaggerated gastrocolic reflex.


1 Defecation after meals

2 Abdominal spasms

3 Mucus in stool

4 Stress

These symptoms if found for more than 3 months then it is diagnosed as IBS.

Pittaja Grahani

 Loose stools having yellow , green , red colour , indigestion , bad odor Bleaching , sour belching , hrit - kantha daha . Aruchi .Trishna.

Kaphaja Grahani

Digestion with great difficulty , Hrillas , chardi , aruchi , asyopadeha , shareera madhurya , kasa , Stheevana , peenasa .

Sama and Nirama lakhshna of purisha in Grahani dosha

Sama Lakhshna

1 Durgandhit ( foul - smelling stool )

2 Picchilata ( Sticky stool )

3 Sinks in water

Nirama lakhshna

1 Opposite of above qualities.

2 laghu

3 Floats in water .


1 Liver function test

2 Malabsorption test

Principal of Treatment

( A) Vataja Grahani

Shodhana Chikitsa

1 Ghirthapana  - after proper amapachana . Deepaniya Ghirtha should be given.

2 Niruha Basti - When agnideepti occurs and if there is retention of purisha . Mitra and apna vayu.
In this condition Frist 2- 3 Anuvasana basti and than niruha basti should be given after Abhyanga and Svedana.

3 Virechana - eranda Taila
  When the pacification of vayu occurs and when the dosha are loosened.

4 Anuvasana basti - After Virechana . When kostha become shuddha and rukha . Associated with baddhamala , Anuvasana should be given.

5 light diet

6 Deepaniya with Snigdha . Lavana and Amla dravya .

( B ) Pittaja Grahani

1 Vamana - Virechana - The pitta which is situated in its own site utklishta stage . Causes agnimandya should be expelled by vamana and Virechana.


Avidahi , Laghu , Tikta , Madhurya , Sarpi , Deepana , Grahi .

(C ) Kaphaja Grahani

1 Vamana - Agnideepana with katu . Amala . Lavana . Kshara. Tikta Dravya.

2 In Kapha Stheevana Ruksha - tiktayukta Deepana should be given.

( D ) Tridosha Grahani

1 Panchakarma

2 Then Ghirtha , Kshara , Asava , Prayoga for agnivardhana.

Recommended Classical Formulation

1 Agnikumar rasa 125 - 250 mg TID with warm water after meals.

2 Grahani Kapata Rasa 125 - 250 mg BD with warm water after meals.

3 Rasa Parpati 125 mg TID with warm water before meals.

4 Brihat jatiphaladi 250 mg  BD before meals with warm water

5 Kalyanaka guda 1 tsf BD before meals with water.

6Lavangadi Churna 1 tsf TID with Takra BD

7 Dashamula Guda 1 tsf BD with warm water after meals.

8 Panchamrita Parpati 125 - 250 mg TID with warm water after meals.

Diet and lifestyle

Pathya ( indications )

1 Annavarga - sashti shali , jirna shali , Mansoor , Tuvari , Mudga yusha , Lajamanda , Vilepi etc

2 Pomegranate , Orange

3 Cow milk , Curd , Takra , Ghirtha.

Apthya ( Contraindications )

1 Heavy . too hot . too cool . dry . incomplete foods .

2 Worry , Anger ,  Sadness.

Sunday, 9 June 2019

Raktatisara ( Ulcerative Colitis )

Raktatisara  ( Ulcerative Colitis )

Ulcerative colitis is an inflammation bowel diseases that causes ulcerations in the mucosa of rectum and large intestine .


1 Pain in the abdomen

2 Anemia

3 weight loss

4 Bleeding from the Rectum

5 Bloody Diarrhoea

6Severe tiredness

7 loss of Appetite

8 joint pain.

Lab Investigation



3 Colonoscopy

Different Diagnosis

Raktarsha - Adhoga Raktapitta - Raktatisara


1 Bleeding

2 PR examination

3 Bleeding

4 Pain

5 Stool

6 Quantity and Frequency

* Raktarsha

1 Per Rectum

2 Presence of piles mass

3 Before and after defecation

4 During defecation

5 Hard and Constipation pated stool.

6 Less

* Adhoga Raktapitta

1 Per Rectum , Urethra vagina.

2 No piles

3 May occurs without defecation.

4 No pain

5 Hard / Liquid stool

6 Very large.

* Raktatisara

1 Blood mixed stool

2 No piles mass.

3 No Bleeding

4 No pain

5 Liquid stools

6 More

Principal of Treatment

1 Pittaja Atisara samana , Adhoga Raktapitta Samana Chikitsa.

Shoshana Chikitsa

1 Piccha Basti - Shalmali Vrinta , Yasthimadhu Siddha Ksheera.

2 Anuvasana - Dadima Ghirtha.

3 Takrdhara - if there associated of Manasa   
Bhava in the Samprapti.

Shamana Chikitsa

Drug of choice

1 Kutaja

Main Drug's

1 Udumbara

2 Musta

3 Bilvadi

4 Bola

5 Gairika

6 Muktishukti.

Simple Remedies

1 Take only soft rice and fresh milk .

2 Take 4 gm powder prepared from cyperus rotundus . Holarrhena antidysenterica and aegle marmaleos unripe fruits .

Recommended Classical Formulation

1 Pushyangu Churna 2 gm BD with warm water before meals.

2 Bilvadi Gulika 2 vati BD before meals with warm water.

3 Kutaja Ghana vati 2 BD with warm water after meals.

4 Kamadugha Rasa 2 vati BD after meals.

Yoga Therapy

1 Vajrasana 5 Min.

2 Pavanmuktasana .


Deep breathing with both nostrils right nostril deep breathing.

 Diet and lifestyle

Pathya ( Indications )

1 Light , Bland diet , Green gram soup boiled with ginger and coriander.

2 buttermilk

3 pomegranate juice

4 coconut water

5 goat milk.

Apthya ( Contraindications )

1 Hot . Spicy . Oily foods .

2 Heavy . Hard food

3 Stress . Strain . Hurry .Worry .

Saturday, 8 June 2019

Atisara ( Diarrhoea )

Atisara ( Diarrhoea )

Diarrhoea is the passage of 3 or more loose or liquid stools per day .or more frequently than is normal for the individual.


1 Ajirnashana . Adhyashana

2 Ati - Ruksha Ahara

3 Krimi

4 Indigestion due to mal - absorption.

5 Ati - Drava

6 Dushita Anna ( Food poisoning )

7 Lactose intolerance

8 Stress.

Different Diagnosis

    1 Atisara       2 Amatisara     3 Pravahika


1 Straining

2 pain during defecation

3 Tenesmus

4 Quantity of stools

5 Frequency

6 Sakapha Malapravritti.

7 Indigestion food

8 Shoth as updarva

1 Atisara

1 Absent

2 Absent

3 Absent

4 More

5 Less

6 may be present

7 No

8 Occurs

*  Amatisara

1 Absent

2 Present

3 Absent

4 more

5 slightly more.

6 may be present.

7 present

8 No

* Pravahika

1 Present

2 Absent

3 Present

4 Less

5 More

6 Always present .

7 No

8 No

Grahani Roga and Atisara

*Grahani Roga

1 chronic conditions

2 no loss of water and electrolytes.

3 Samprapti is confined to Agni adhisthana.

4 Theoretically. No specific bheda ( types )

5 Stool is indigestion . Unformed . Foul smelling . Sashleshma and Amanubandhita.

6 According to Sushruta . Grahani dosha may result secondary to Atisara .

7 There is tendency to pass loose stools just after taking meals.


1 Acute condition

2 Excessive loss of water and electrolytes.

3Samprapti is confined to pakvashaya.

4 Six types are enumerated - Vataja . Pittaja . Kaphaja . Sannipataja . Bhayaja and Shokaja ( Charaka )

5 Stool is watery .

6 Nidana Sevana is directly responsible for manifestation.

7 There is no such relationships with meals.

Principal of Treatment

Shodhana Chikitsa

1 Vamana - Madanphala yoga .

2 Anulomana - Haritaki Churna

3 Niruha Basti - Picchabasti with mocharasa ( shalmali niryasa )
Siddha Ksheera  .

4 Anuvasana - Shatapushadi siddha Taila.

Shamana Chikitsa

Drug of choice

1 Patha.

Main drug's

1 Kutaja , musta , Shunthi , ativisha , bilva , ahiphena , jatiphala.

Single Drugs

1 Deepaniya and sangrahaniya gana

* Patha , dhanyaka .palasha . Bilva . Shunthi.shalaparni .parishnaparni. brihati. Kantkari  . Shati . Palasha . Hapusha

Recommended Classical Formulation

1 Karpoora Rasa 125 mg TID with Water after meals.

2 Ramabana Rasa 125 mg TID with water after meals.

3 Sanjeevani vati 2 vati BD with warm water before meals.

4 Sutshekhar Rasa  2 Vati BD before meals.
With warm water.

5 Agnitundi vati 2 BD before meals with warm water.

6 Bilvadi vati 2 BD before meals with warm water.

7 rasonadi vati 2 TID after meals with warm water.

8 Kutaja Ghana vati 2 BD before meals with warm water.

9 Gandhaka vati 2 BD before meals with warm water.

10 Jatiphala Churna 1 tsf TID with warm water after meals.

* Amatisara

1 Dhanyapanchaka Kwath 20 ml TID after meals with warm water.

2 Panchkola  Churna 1 tsf TID before meals with warm water.

3 Higvashtaka Churna 1 tsf BD after meals. With warm water.

*Vataja Atisara

1 Lokanatha Rasa 125 - 250 mg TID after meals with warm water.

2 Kanakasundara Rasa 125 mg TID before meals.

3 Hingulaeshvara Rasa 250 mg BD after meals with warm water.

4 Chavyadi Ghirtha 10 ml BD before meals.

*Pittaja Atisara

1 Kamadugha Rasa 2 vati BD before meals. With warm water

2 Sutshekhar Rasa 2 vati BD after meals with warm water.

3 Shukti bhasma 250 mg TID with warm water after meals.

4 Kutaja Ghana vati 2 BD before meals with warm water.

5 Dadimashthaka Churna 1 tsf with Takra OD.

Kaphaja Atisara

1 Anandabhairava Rasa 2 vati BD after meals with warm water.

2 Pathadi Churna 3 gm BD before meals.

3 Kutajaarishtha 10 ml TID after meals with warm water.


1Kamdugdha Rasa 2 vati BD before meals with warm water.

2 Sutshekhar Rasa 2 vati BD after meals with warm water.

3 Bolabhddha Rasa 125 mg TID after meals with warm water

4 Bolaparpati 125 mg TID after meals with warm water.

5 Kutaja Ghana vati 2 BD before meals with warm water.

Sannipataja Atisara

1 Piyushavalli Rasa 125 mg TID after meals with warm water

2 Bruhat Gangdhara Churna 3 gm BD with warm water.

3 Kutaja Avaleha 3 gm TID after meals with warm water .

Diet and lifestyle

Pathya ( Indications )

1 Vilepi ( Rice gurel ) . Laajaa Manda . Rice washed water ( make sure rice is not contaminated with pesticides )

2 Rice + curd

3 Rice + Buttermilk

4 Mansoor or Aadhaki yoosha

5 frequently drinking of coconut water.

6 other diet having a deepana and laghu guna.

7 rest.

Apthya ( Contraindications )

1Heavy . Hard . Cold .Hot . Spicy .and oily.

Trishna ( Polydipsia )


Polydipsia is a condition .in which the patient has excessive thirst and drink water frequently.


1 Diabetes Mellitus

2 Decreased Blood volume

3 Diarrhoea

4 Hypokalemia

5 Diabetes Insipidus

6 Anticholinergic poisoning

7 Side  effects of antipsychotic.

Simple Remedies.

1 Take water boiled with vetivera . Cyperus rotundus . Sandalwood. Indian sarsaparilla. 
Caesalpina sappon . Lotus.

2 Take coconut water.

3 Take Juice prepared from lemon . Water . gooseberry . Sugar and cardamom.

4 Take cucumber and water melon juice.

5 Take gooseberries juice 20 ml with sugar.

Recommended Classical Formulation

1 Chandanadi Churna 1 tsf TID With Dadima  Juice. Before meals.

2 Chandanadi vati 2 BD with Ghee after meals.

3 Chandanadi Asava 20 ml TID With water after meals.

4 Usheerasava 20 ml TID with water after meals.

5 Chnadrakala Rasa 2 Vati TID With Warm water before meals

6 Kamadugha Rasa 2 Vati BD with milk after meals.

7 Shatavari Leha 1 tsf BD with milk.
Before meals

8 Drakshamalaka leha 1 tsf BD with milk before meals.

Pathya ( Indications )

1 Liquid Foods Products.

2 Pomegranate juice . Orange juice

Apthya ( Contraindications )

1 Avoid Smoking . Alcohol

2 Hot . Spicy .Sour Foods Products.

Friday, 7 June 2019

Motion Sickness

Motion Sickness

Motion Sickness is a common problems in people traveling by car . train . airplane. and boat . Motion Sickness starts suddenly . With a unnecessary feeling and cold sweats . It can then lead to dizziness and nausea and Vomiting .

Simple Remedies

1 Motion sickness . Fasting or light diet and chewing of cardomum , clove. Lemon . etc are beneficial.

2 Ginger capsule are highly recommend.

3 Take 3 charcoal tabs , One hour before the trip begin Another method is a 2 Ginger tablets every 3 hours , beginning one hour before.

Recommended Classical Formulation

1 Matulunga Rasayana 1 tsf TID with warm water

2 Sutshekhar ras 2 vati BD before meals With warm water

3 Kamadugha Rasa 2 Vati TID after meals with warm water

4 Rasadi Vati 2 vati BD before meals with warm water

Recommended Proprietary Formulation

1 Tab -Sooktyn 2 tab with water TID before meals.

2 Syrup -Vomitab 2 tsf with water TID before meals.

3 Syrup - Madhiphala 2- 3 tsf with water TID before meals.

                         Diet and lifestyle

Pathya ( Indications )

1 Corn soup .fried paddy soup. Coconut water.

2 Pomegranate juice.

3 Sit , stand and walk properly without raising the head or stretching the neck or rotating the head etc.

4 If at sea , Lie on back and close your eyes .if in a car seat .rest your back and neck on your car seat . So it is somewhat faced upward .This relaxes the semi - circular canals.

5 Stay cool .and get fresh air.

Apthya ( Contraindications )

1 Do not eat heavily processed meals .

2 Avoid Drink Liquor or eat junk food.

3 Avoiding irritant smoke and irritant food odors.

Thursday, 6 June 2019

Rakta Vamana ( Hematemesis )

Rakta Vamana ( Hematemesis )

Hematemesis is the Vomiting of blood . Which may be obviously red or have an appearance similar to coffee grounds.


Enlarged veins in the walls of the lower part of the esophagus. and sometimes the stomach .may begin to bleed . These veins are present in people with severe liver damage.

1 Bleeding ulcer in the stomach . Frist part of the small intestine . Or esophagus.

2 Defects in the blood vessels of the G.I tract.

3 Swelling irritation or inflammation of the esophagus lining ( esophagitis) or the stomach lining ( gastritis )

4 Swallowing blood ( for example after a nosebleed )

5Tumors of the stomach or esophagus.

Different Diagnosis

Urdhvaga Raktapitta and Rakta Stheevana.


1 Bleeding

2 Quantity.

3 Nature of Rakta.

4 Precipitation factors

5 pH of blood .

*Urdhvanga Raktapitta ( Hematemesis )

1 Through mouth . Nose

2 more

3 Dooshita

4 Pitta prakopaka

5 Acidic

* Rakta Stheevana ( Haemoptysis )

1 Blood mixed sputum.

2 Less

3 jeeva

4 Cough

5 Alkaline

Principal of Treatment

1 Urdhvanga Raktapitta Samana Chikitsa

2 Stambhna

3 Greeshma Ritucharaya palana.

Shamana Chikitsa

1 Drakshadi Kashaya 20 ml Hourly

2 Ikshu svarasa - Frequently

3 Vasa Svarasa - 5ml with Honey Frequently.

4 Avipattikara Churna 1 gm 1/2 hourly

5 Shatavari Leha 5 gm 1/2 hourly

6 Kamadugha with mukta 2 vati TID before meals

7 Sativa Sheeta Kashaya 20 ml Hourly.

8 Chandana . Usheera .Sariva .Guduchi Sheeta Kashaya -- 20 ml Hourly.

Diet and lifestyle

Pathya ( Indications )

1 Pomegranate juice

2 orange juice

3 Corn soup

4 lime juice

5 coconut water

6 Liquid Foods

7 Cold ( Ice-cream )

Apthya ( Contraindications )

1 Heavy . Hard  Foods

2 Hot . Spicy.and  Oily Foods Products.

Wednesday, 5 June 2019

Chardi ( Vomiting )

Chardi ( Vomiting )

The reflex act of ejecting the contents of the stomach through the mouth .


1 Intake of excess food and Liquid .

2 Indigestion

3 infections

4 Excess salt.

5 Motions sickness

6 Food poisoning.

7 Unpleasant food

8 intestinal worms

9 During pregnancy

10 Cancer chemotherapy.

11 Other Medicines.


1 Heavyness of Head

2 Hiccups

3Sometimes pain epigastric region.

4 Anorexia

5 Mouth restless

Principal of Treatment

1 Vatahara

2 Vatanulomana

3 Hikkahara Chikitsa

Shamana Chikitsa

Drugs of choice - Laja.

Other Main Drug -

1 Krishnamrittika

2 Matulunga

3 Shankha bhasma.

4 Gairika

5 Ardraka

Simple Drugs

1 jambu , Amra , Amla , Badara , dadhima , yava , ushira .

Simple Remedies.

1 Ginger capsule are highly effective

2 Corn gruel prepared from corn 10gm .cardamom 3gm . Sugar 5 gm and water 4 part 1 tsf every 15 minutes.

3 pomegranate juice or ikshurasa are beneficial.

Recommended Classical Formulation

1 Yavanishadava churna 2 gm BD with warm water after meals

2 Avipattikara Churna 2 gm BD with warm water after meals.

3 Madhiphala Rasayana 2 tsf TID  Water after meals.

4 Matulunga Rasayana 1 tsf  BD with  warm water.

5 Guduchi Satva 250- 500mg with water hourly.
 Diet. and Lifestyle

Pathya ( Indications )

1 Lime juice + Sugar 1/2 tsf + 1 Glass water after meals

2 Pomegranate juice , orange juice

3 Fried paddy soup

4 coconut water

5 Corn soup.

Apthya ( Contraindications )

1 Heavy . Hard . Cold . Spicy . and oily .

2 Avoid  a milk products etc.

3 Avoiding a Non Vegetarian food.

Aruchi ( Anorexia )

Aruchi ( Anorexia )

Anorexia is the decrease sensation of appetites .


1 G.I Diseases

2 Tuberculosis

3 Worry

4 Stress

5 Live diseases

6 Cancer

7 Anxiety.


1 Heavyness in Abdomen

2 Vomiting sensation on / off.

3 Salivation

4 Something pain in epigastric region.

5 weakness


Drug of choice

Other main drug's

1 Nagara

2 Matulunga

3 lavanga

4 ela

5 Hingu

6 amalaki.

7 Dadima

General Formulation.

1 Chewing of lavanga and ardraka before meals

2 Takra prepared from Jiraka . Hingu .Shunthi .guduchi and Saindhva.

3 Kavala with Dadima svarasa . Madhu.vida 

Simple Remedies

1 Chewing of salt and fresh ginger before meals.

Recommended Classical Formulation


1 Madhiphala Rasayana 2 tsf with water TID  before meals.

2 Ardraka Avaleha 1 tsf with water TID before meals.

3 Draksharishtha 3 - 4 tsf with equal water TID after meals.

4 Talisadi Churna 1 tsf with warm water after meals.


1 Dadimadi Churna 1 tsf with Nimbu Juice.

2 Draksharishtha 3 tsf TID after meals.with warm water.

3 Guduchyadi Kashaya 20 ml BD before meals.

4 Drakshamalaka leha 20 ml TID after meals warm water.

Kaphaja .

1 Ashta Churna 1 tsf TID with warm water.

2 Talisadi Churna 1 tsf BDwith warm water .

3 Ardraka Avaleha 1 tsf TID with warm water after meals.

4 Pippalyadi asava 20 ml TID with warm water after meals.

Pathya ( indications )

1 Corn soup. Fried paddy soup . coconut water.

2 Pomegranate juice . Orange juice.

3 lime juice + sugar + water

Apthya ( Contraindications )

1 Heavy .hard .cold .hot . spicy.and oily.

2 Divaswapana( Day Sleeping )

3 Non Vegetarian food .

4 Late Night Sleeping.

Tuesday, 4 June 2019

Gudabhramsha ( Prolapse of Rectum )

Gudabhramsha ( Prolapse of Rectum )

Various factors . Such as age long term constipation and the stress of childbirth may cause these ligament and muscle to weaken . Which means that rectum attachment to the body also weaken . This causes the rectum to prolapse . Meaning it slips or fall out of place . Occasionally . large hemorrhoids ( large . Swollen veins inside the rectum ) may predisposed the rectum to prolapse.


1 Advance age

2 Long term diarrhoea

3 long term constipation

4 pregnancy and stress of childbirth .

5 Cyctic fibrosis

6 previous surgery

7 Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases.

8 Multiple sclerosis

9 whopping cough

10 paralysis ( paraplegia )

11 long term straining during defecation.


1 Pain during bowel movement

2 Mucus or blood discharge from the protruding tissue .

3 fecal incontinence ( inability to control bowel movements.)

4 loss of urges to defecate.  ( Mostly with large prolapse )

Principal of Treatment

1 Snehana

2 Svedana

3 Manual insertion.

Shodhana Chikitsa

1 Pichu - Changeri Ghirtha / Mooshika Taila

2 Abhyanga -  Mooshika Taila

3 Ksheera Dhooma - ( Bala - Dashamoola - eranda , Kashaya siddha ksheera )

4 Gophana  Bandha

When anal spincter gain strength then start.
Matra Basti - Changeri Ghirtha or Dhanvantari Taila 8 times .

Shamana Chikitsa

1 Changeri Ghirtha 10 ml BD after meals

2 Mooshika Taila -For Pichu

3 Makaradhvaja vati 2 BD after meals with warm water.

4 Ashwagandhaarista 20 ml BD with warm water after meals

5 Bangeshwara Ras 2 vati BD before meals.

Diet and lifestyle

Pathya ( Indications )

1 Drinking a plenty of water at least 8 glass per day .

2 Eat Higher Fiber diet

3 Green leafy vegetables

4 use stool softener to prevent straining.

Rest foot end elevation.

Apthya ( Contraindications )

1 Hot . Spicy . Salty diet

2 Constipating foods ..

3 Tobacco

4 Chicken

4 Alcohol ,

Monday, 3 June 2019



An anal fissure is a cut or tear occuring in the anus ( through which stool passes out the body ) that extends upwards into the anal canal . Fissure usually cause pain during bowel movements that often is severe . Anal fissure is the most common cause of rectal bleeding in infancy .


1 The fissure may be caused by a hard stool .
2 Repeated episodes of diarrhoea .

3 Occasionally . the insertion of a rectal thermometer . Enema tip. endoscopy or ultrasound probe ( for examination the prostate gland ) can result in sufficient trauma to produce a fissure .

4 During childbirth . Trauma to the perineum may cause a tear that extends into the anoderm .

The most common location for an anal fissure in both men and women ( 90,,%, of all fissure ) is the midline posteriorly in the anal canal .

Principal of Treatment

1 Malanulomana

2 Vrinaropana

3 Anal dilations

4 Stool softeners.

5 increase the liquid intake.

Shamana Chikitsa

1 Panchasakara Churna 6gm at bedtime with warm water or milk

2 Nimbadi Guggulu 2 TID after meals BD with warm water.

3 Abhayarista  15 - 20 ml BD with warm water

4 Jatyadi Taila - Pichu Dharana

5 Yasthimadhu Taila - Pichu

Pathya ( Indications )

1 Rest  . Foot end elevation .

2 Drink plenty of fluids . At least eight glass per day.

3 Eat Higher Fiber diet . Fruits .Vegetables  and whole grains .

4 Use a stool softeners to prevent straining.

Apthya ( Contraindications )

1 Hot . Spicy . Salty diet . Constipating food.

 2 Suppression of natural urges.

Sunday, 2 June 2019

Bhangadara ( Fistula - In - Ano )

Bhangadara ( Fistula - In - Ano  )

An anal fistula is a small channel that can develop between the end of the bowel and the skin near the anus . An anal fistula can bleeding and discharge when passing stools and can be painful.

Clinical Features

1 Pain which is usually constant . throbbing and worse when sitting down.

2 Skin irritation around the anus. Including swelling . redness and tenderness.

3 Discharge of pus .

4 Constipation or pain associated with bowel movements

5 Fever.

Principal of Treatment

1 Shodhana

2 Ropana

3 Vidhradhi Nashka chikitsa.

4 Kashrasutra

5 Agni Karma.


Shodhana Chikitsa

1 Snehana - Dhanvantari Ghirtha.

2 Svedana - Bashpa Sveda .

3 Vamana -Madanphaladi Yoga.

4 Virechana - Manibhadra Avaleha or Guda .

5 Raktamokshana - Leech.

Shamana Chikitsa

1 Kaishora Guggul 2 vati BD before meals warm water.

2 Triphala Guggulu 4 vati OD night after meals  with warm water.

3 Amrita Bhallataka Leha 6 - 12 gm BD with milk after meals

4 Varunadi Kwath 20 ml TID after meals with warm water

5 Argvadhadi Kashaya 20 ml BD with warm water  after meals..

Pathya ( Indications )

1 Rest . Foot end elevation.

2 Drink plenty of fluids at least eight glass per day.

3 Eat a high - Fiber diet and fruits . Vegetables and whole grains.

4 Use stool softeners to prevent straining.

Apthya ( Contraindications )

1 Hot , Spicy , salty diet , constipation food .

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