Hemorrhoids , Piles ( Bleeding )
Hemorrhoids are painful . swollen veins in the lower portion of the rectum or anus .
1 Straining during bowel movements.
2 During pregnancy.
3 Sitting for long periods of time.
4 In some diseases . Such as liver cirrhosis
5 After delivery.
6 Constipation.
1 Anal pain . Especially sitting.
2 Pain during bowel movements.
3 Bright red blood on toilet tissue . Stool .or toilet bowel .
4 Anal itching .
5 One or more tender mass near the anus.
Different Diagnosis .
* Features
1 Bleeding
2 PR examination
3 Pain
4 Stool
5 Food mixed with blood given to dog
6 quantity and fre quency.
1 Per Rectum.
2 Presence of piles mass.
3 Before and defecation.
4 Hard and Constipation
5 Eats
6 less
* Adhoga Raktapitta .
1 Per rectum . Urethra vagina .
2 No . Piles mass
3 May occurs without defecation.
4 No Hard .
5 Hard / Liquid stools .
6 Not eats
7 Very large.
* Raktaatisara
1 Blood mixed stool
2 No piles mass
3 No pain.
4 Liquid stool
5 Eats.
6 More.
Principal of Treatment
Shushka Arsha
1 Abhyanga , Svedana , dhuma , lepa ,raktamokshana , dipana , Vatanulomana. Malanulomana . Shamana
2 Arsha having stabdhata , Shoola and shopha , Seka , Avagaha ,Dhoopana ,lepa ,and Abhobhanga.
3 If Not relieved by sheeta , Ushna , Snigdha , Ruksha , then it indicates that visitation of rakta . In this condition raktamokshana Should be carried out .
4 In Vata - Shleshmaja Arsha ,Takra Prayoga is regarded as best treatment
Raktarsha / Ardra Arsha
1 In Vatanubandha - Snigdha and sheeta , in Kaphaanubandha - Ruksha and Sheeta .
2 Pitta and Kaphadhika Raktarsha - Shodhana , Langhana.
3 Bleeding should not be stopped at the begging . If stambhna is done then it lead to vata and rakta vikara.
4 Tikta drug for agnideepana , raktasangraha and doshapachana .
5 Ghrita Prayoga - In Rakta Atipravritti vata prakopa and Shoola
6 Sheeta kriya - Sheeta Seka lepa _ Avagaha , sahasradhouta. Ghirtha Abhobhanga , Picchu in rakta pitta predominantly and alpa vata and kapha .
Shoshana Chikitsa
1 Abhyanga- Jatyadi Ghirtha
2 Parisheka - Panchavalkala kawtha
3 Avagaha - Panchavalkala + sphatika jala
4 Dashamula Niruha ( Samutra kshira ) in shushkarsha
5 Anuvasana - Changeri Ghirtha in prolapse of rectum , Pippalyadi Taila
6 Jaloukavacharana - In thrombosed piles
7 Piccha basti - Ati raktasrva in Raktarsha .
8 Pichu - Jatyadi Ghirtha / Kasisadi Taila / Padmakadi Taila .
Shamana Chikitsa
Sushkaarsha ( Non - Bleeding piles )
1 Takraristha 20 ml with equal water after meals BD
2 Arshakuthar ras 250 mg TID with warm water after meals
3 Tilabhallataka leha 1 tsf with milk before meals BD
4 Kankayana vati 2 BD before meals warm water
5 Kasisadi Taila -For Pichu
6 Changeri Ghirtha 20 ml with water after meals BD.
Raktarsha ( Bleeding piles )
1 Kutaja Ghana vati 2 BD Before meals with warm water
2 Bahushala guda 2 tsf with milk before meals BD
3 Suranadi vati 250 mg TID with warm water BD
4 Bola Parpati 250mg TID with warm water before meals
5 Pushyangu Churna 1tsf with milk before meals BD
6 Padmakadi Taila - External for Pichu.
Rhythmic breathing that revitalizes the nervous system.
Diet and lifestyle
Pathya ( indications )
1 Rest ,foot end elevation
2 Drink plenty of fluids , at least eight glass per day .
3 Eat a high - Fiber diet of fruits , vegetables and whole grains.
4 Use stool softeners to prevent straining.
Apthya ( Contraindications)
1 Hot , Spicy , diet , Constipating food .
Hemorrhoids are painful . swollen veins in the lower portion of the rectum or anus .
1 Straining during bowel movements.
2 During pregnancy.
3 Sitting for long periods of time.
4 In some diseases . Such as liver cirrhosis
5 After delivery.
6 Constipation.
1 Anal pain . Especially sitting.
2 Pain during bowel movements.
3 Bright red blood on toilet tissue . Stool .or toilet bowel .
4 Anal itching .
5 One or more tender mass near the anus.
Different Diagnosis .
* Features
1 Bleeding
2 PR examination
3 Pain
4 Stool
5 Food mixed with blood given to dog
6 quantity and fre quency.
1 Per Rectum.
2 Presence of piles mass.
3 Before and defecation.
4 Hard and Constipation
5 Eats
6 less
* Adhoga Raktapitta .
1 Per rectum . Urethra vagina .
2 No . Piles mass
3 May occurs without defecation.
4 No Hard .
5 Hard / Liquid stools .
6 Not eats
7 Very large.
* Raktaatisara
1 Blood mixed stool
2 No piles mass
3 No pain.
4 Liquid stool
5 Eats.
6 More.
Principal of Treatment
Shushka Arsha
1 Abhyanga , Svedana , dhuma , lepa ,raktamokshana , dipana , Vatanulomana. Malanulomana . Shamana
2 Arsha having stabdhata , Shoola and shopha , Seka , Avagaha ,Dhoopana ,lepa ,and Abhobhanga.
3 If Not relieved by sheeta , Ushna , Snigdha , Ruksha , then it indicates that visitation of rakta . In this condition raktamokshana Should be carried out .
4 In Vata - Shleshmaja Arsha ,Takra Prayoga is regarded as best treatment
Raktarsha / Ardra Arsha
1 In Vatanubandha - Snigdha and sheeta , in Kaphaanubandha - Ruksha and Sheeta .
2 Pitta and Kaphadhika Raktarsha - Shodhana , Langhana.
3 Bleeding should not be stopped at the begging . If stambhna is done then it lead to vata and rakta vikara.
4 Tikta drug for agnideepana , raktasangraha and doshapachana .
5 Ghrita Prayoga - In Rakta Atipravritti vata prakopa and Shoola
6 Sheeta kriya - Sheeta Seka lepa _ Avagaha , sahasradhouta. Ghirtha Abhobhanga , Picchu in rakta pitta predominantly and alpa vata and kapha .
Shoshana Chikitsa
1 Abhyanga- Jatyadi Ghirtha
2 Parisheka - Panchavalkala kawtha
3 Avagaha - Panchavalkala + sphatika jala
4 Dashamula Niruha ( Samutra kshira ) in shushkarsha
5 Anuvasana - Changeri Ghirtha in prolapse of rectum , Pippalyadi Taila
6 Jaloukavacharana - In thrombosed piles
7 Piccha basti - Ati raktasrva in Raktarsha .
8 Pichu - Jatyadi Ghirtha / Kasisadi Taila / Padmakadi Taila .
Shamana Chikitsa
Sushkaarsha ( Non - Bleeding piles )
1 Takraristha 20 ml with equal water after meals BD
2 Arshakuthar ras 250 mg TID with warm water after meals
3 Tilabhallataka leha 1 tsf with milk before meals BD
4 Kankayana vati 2 BD before meals warm water
5 Kasisadi Taila -For Pichu
6 Changeri Ghirtha 20 ml with water after meals BD.
Raktarsha ( Bleeding piles )
1 Kutaja Ghana vati 2 BD Before meals with warm water
2 Bahushala guda 2 tsf with milk before meals BD
3 Suranadi vati 250 mg TID with warm water BD
4 Bola Parpati 250mg TID with warm water before meals
5 Pushyangu Churna 1tsf with milk before meals BD
6 Padmakadi Taila - External for Pichu.
Rhythmic breathing that revitalizes the nervous system.
Diet and lifestyle
Pathya ( indications )
1 Rest ,foot end elevation
2 Drink plenty of fluids , at least eight glass per day .
3 Eat a high - Fiber diet of fruits , vegetables and whole grains.
4 Use stool softeners to prevent straining.
Apthya ( Contraindications)
1 Hot , Spicy , diet , Constipating food .
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