Saturday, 8 June 2019

Atisara ( Diarrhoea )

Atisara ( Diarrhoea )

Diarrhoea is the passage of 3 or more loose or liquid stools per day .or more frequently than is normal for the individual.


1 Ajirnashana . Adhyashana

2 Ati - Ruksha Ahara

3 Krimi

4 Indigestion due to mal - absorption.

5 Ati - Drava

6 Dushita Anna ( Food poisoning )

7 Lactose intolerance

8 Stress.

Different Diagnosis

    1 Atisara       2 Amatisara     3 Pravahika


1 Straining

2 pain during defecation

3 Tenesmus

4 Quantity of stools

5 Frequency

6 Sakapha Malapravritti.

7 Indigestion food

8 Shoth as updarva

1 Atisara

1 Absent

2 Absent

3 Absent

4 More

5 Less

6 may be present

7 No

8 Occurs

*  Amatisara

1 Absent

2 Present

3 Absent

4 more

5 slightly more.

6 may be present.

7 present

8 No

* Pravahika

1 Present

2 Absent

3 Present

4 Less

5 More

6 Always present .

7 No

8 No

Grahani Roga and Atisara

*Grahani Roga

1 chronic conditions

2 no loss of water and electrolytes.

3 Samprapti is confined to Agni adhisthana.

4 Theoretically. No specific bheda ( types )

5 Stool is indigestion . Unformed . Foul smelling . Sashleshma and Amanubandhita.

6 According to Sushruta . Grahani dosha may result secondary to Atisara .

7 There is tendency to pass loose stools just after taking meals.


1 Acute condition

2 Excessive loss of water and electrolytes.

3Samprapti is confined to pakvashaya.

4 Six types are enumerated - Vataja . Pittaja . Kaphaja . Sannipataja . Bhayaja and Shokaja ( Charaka )

5 Stool is watery .

6 Nidana Sevana is directly responsible for manifestation.

7 There is no such relationships with meals.

Principal of Treatment

Shodhana Chikitsa

1 Vamana - Madanphala yoga .

2 Anulomana - Haritaki Churna

3 Niruha Basti - Picchabasti with mocharasa ( shalmali niryasa )
Siddha Ksheera  .

4 Anuvasana - Shatapushadi siddha Taila.

Shamana Chikitsa

Drug of choice

1 Patha.

Main drug's

1 Kutaja , musta , Shunthi , ativisha , bilva , ahiphena , jatiphala.

Single Drugs

1 Deepaniya and sangrahaniya gana

* Patha , dhanyaka .palasha . Bilva . Shunthi.shalaparni .parishnaparni. brihati. Kantkari  . Shati . Palasha . Hapusha

Recommended Classical Formulation

1 Karpoora Rasa 125 mg TID with Water after meals.

2 Ramabana Rasa 125 mg TID with water after meals.

3 Sanjeevani vati 2 vati BD with warm water before meals.

4 Sutshekhar Rasa  2 Vati BD before meals.
With warm water.

5 Agnitundi vati 2 BD before meals with warm water.

6 Bilvadi vati 2 BD before meals with warm water.

7 rasonadi vati 2 TID after meals with warm water.

8 Kutaja Ghana vati 2 BD before meals with warm water.

9 Gandhaka vati 2 BD before meals with warm water.

10 Jatiphala Churna 1 tsf TID with warm water after meals.

* Amatisara

1 Dhanyapanchaka Kwath 20 ml TID after meals with warm water.

2 Panchkola  Churna 1 tsf TID before meals with warm water.

3 Higvashtaka Churna 1 tsf BD after meals. With warm water.

*Vataja Atisara

1 Lokanatha Rasa 125 - 250 mg TID after meals with warm water.

2 Kanakasundara Rasa 125 mg TID before meals.

3 Hingulaeshvara Rasa 250 mg BD after meals with warm water.

4 Chavyadi Ghirtha 10 ml BD before meals.

*Pittaja Atisara

1 Kamadugha Rasa 2 vati BD before meals. With warm water

2 Sutshekhar Rasa 2 vati BD after meals with warm water.

3 Shukti bhasma 250 mg TID with warm water after meals.

4 Kutaja Ghana vati 2 BD before meals with warm water.

5 Dadimashthaka Churna 1 tsf with Takra OD.

Kaphaja Atisara

1 Anandabhairava Rasa 2 vati BD after meals with warm water.

2 Pathadi Churna 3 gm BD before meals.

3 Kutajaarishtha 10 ml TID after meals with warm water.


1Kamdugdha Rasa 2 vati BD before meals with warm water.

2 Sutshekhar Rasa 2 vati BD after meals with warm water.

3 Bolabhddha Rasa 125 mg TID after meals with warm water

4 Bolaparpati 125 mg TID after meals with warm water.

5 Kutaja Ghana vati 2 BD before meals with warm water.

Sannipataja Atisara

1 Piyushavalli Rasa 125 mg TID after meals with warm water

2 Bruhat Gangdhara Churna 3 gm BD with warm water.

3 Kutaja Avaleha 3 gm TID after meals with warm water .

Diet and lifestyle

Pathya ( Indications )

1 Vilepi ( Rice gurel ) . Laajaa Manda . Rice washed water ( make sure rice is not contaminated with pesticides )

2 Rice + curd

3 Rice + Buttermilk

4 Mansoor or Aadhaki yoosha

5 frequently drinking of coconut water.

6 other diet having a deepana and laghu guna.

7 rest.

Apthya ( Contraindications )

1Heavy . Hard . Cold .Hot . Spicy .and oily.

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