Friday, 31 May 2019


Udavarta ( Dysmenorrhoea )

This includes congestive dysmenorrhoea as well as other types [1]. According to Ayurveda, the clinical entity characterized by pain, difficult expulsion of menstrual blood due to upward movement of rajas (menstrual blood) propelled by vitiated vata.


1 Basti - Kukahi - Udara - Hirdaya Ruju

2 Prushta - Parshva Ati Vedana.

3 Adhaman.

4 Malavarodha.

5 Hrillasa.

6 Vikartika

7 Avipaka.

8 Bastishotha

9Shushka Sakashta mala

10 Udavatajanya Roga.

Principal of Treatment

1 Abhyanga

2 Sevda

3 Varti

4 Nituha

5 Anuvasana

6 Virechana

7 Vatanulomana



1 Vartiprayoga - Shyamadi  . Pippalyadi

2 Pradhamana Churna - Shyamadi . Rakshoghnadi Churna.

3 Niruha Basti - if No mala and vata anulomana by Varti and Churna Pradhamana  . Than niruha with urdhva and Abhobhanga - harayukta should be given.

4 Virechana - If udavarta presists even after Niruha . Virechana ( Tikhshna ) with Gomutra . Prasanna and shukta ..

Udavartahara Yoga

Shamana Chikitsa

1 Dviruttarahingvadi Churna.
1/2 tfs with warm water after meals BD

2 Vachadi Churna 1/2 tsf with warm water before meals

3 Sthiradi Ghirtha 10 gm with warm water after meals BD

4 Hingu - ugragandhadi  Churna 1 tsf with warm water before meals BD

Diet and lifestyle

Pathya ( indications )

1Dry fruits like raisins . Dates or figs to be soaked overnight and eaten in the morning.

2 eat a steamed Fresh vegetables.

3 Eating papaya before or after meals in helpful in relieving constipation.

4 Drink a glass of water upon walking . Just after visiting bathroom.

5 Take plenty of leafy vegetables and salads.

6 proper chewing of food is very important.

Apthya ( contraindications)

1Cooked egg

2 Overcooked meals.

3 Refined starch

4 Avoiding eating lots of spices fried food . Frozen food and food / drink with preservatives don't Suppression natural urges.

5 pasteurized milk.

Thursday, 30 May 2019

Adhmana ( Flatulence )

Adhmana ( Flatulence )

Normally everyone has gas . In Ayurveda it is called Apana Vata passing of gas through the mouth is called belching and through the rectum is called flatulence . Usually the gas does not have any odor ..

Causes .

1 Cold , dry , soild foods..

2 Excessive intake of pulses.

3 impaired digestion.

4 Excess fatty foods.

5 Milk Products

6 Bakery products , junk food , fast food .

7 Cold drinks , ice cream..


1Distension of Abdomen.

2 Urdhvavata .

3 Abdominal pain.

4 Heaviness of Abdomen .

Chikitsa Sutra



2 Svedana - Nadi Sveda

3 Abhyanga - Hingu vachadi Taila

4 Lepa - Darushatka Lepa

5Varti - Shyamadi Varti .


Shamana  Chikitsa

1 Lashoonadi vati 2 BD with warm water before meals

2 Chitrakadi vati 2 BD with warm water After meals

3 Mahashankha vati 2 with warm water before meals

4 Hinguvachadi Churna 1/2 tsf with warm water BD after meals

5 Lavanbhaskara Churna 1/2 tsf with warm water after meals.

Diet and lifestyle

Pathya ( Indications)

1 Planning of diet is most essential in Dyspepsia because the root cause is faulty intake of diet.

2 old rice , munga dal , rice gruel , buttermilk , lemon juice , cow ghee
, Fresh ginger , fresh garlic , black salt

3 Light food in moderate quantity

4 Take fresh food in warm conditions

5 Drink warm water or medicated water after the meal , helps digestion.

6 Give at least 3 hours of gap between two meals.

6 Regular exercise.

Apthya ( Contraindications)

1Avoid heavy , cold , too much oily food.

2 Avoid drinking of water just before meals.

3 Avoid day sleep after meals.

4 Avoid heavy meals at night time.

5 Don't take anything in between except liquid

6 Suppression of the natural urges.

Wednesday, 29 May 2019



Constipation refer to infrequent bowel movements .but it may also refer to a decrease in the volume of stool .the need to stain a sense of incomplete evacuation . Or the need for laxatives . suppositories or enemas in order to maintain regular bowel .


1 Lake of fiber in the diet

2 Lack of physical activity

3 Suppression of urges of defecation.

4 Cold , dry and Astringent rich.

5 junk food . Bakery products

6 irritable bowel syndrome

7 dehydration

8 medications

9 abuse of laxatives

10 specific diseases such as stroke

11 chronic idiopathic constipation.


Many people falsely believe that daily defecation is essential and complain of constipation if stool occurs less frequently. Sometimes the complain in non - defecation with the act of defecation

Widespread belief . Such as the presumption that all should have a bowel movement at least once daily have led to excess use and abuse of laxatives.

According to Ayurveda. the following are general types of imbalances at the source of most chronic conditions including constipation.

1 Toxin accumulation in tissue and blocking circulation.

2 Poor nutrition leading to weakness . fatigue . burning sensation in eyes etc..

3 Poor digestion leading to chest burn flatulence etc.

4 Lowering of natural resistance and immunity

5 Disruption of natural biological rhythms.

Principal of Treatment

1Abhyanga - Hingu Tel

2 Svedana - Nadi Sveda

3 Varti

4 Niruha  - Erandamuladi Basti

5 Anuvasana - Sukumara Ghirtha for 8 days .

6 Virechana

7 Vatanulomana Dravya .

8 Matrabasti - Gandharvahastadi taila 70 ml + Hinguvachadi Kalka 5 gm + Saindhva 3gm..

9Matrabasti - Pippalyadi Tel 70 ml + Hinguvachadi Kalka 5 gm + Saindhva 3gm.


Shamana Chikitsa

1 Panchasakara Churna 1/2 tsf with warm water bed time

2 Haritaki Churna 1/2 tsf with warm water bed time

3 Shad darana Churna 1 tsf with warm water bed time

4 Sukumara Ghirtha 1/2 tsf with warm water bed time

5 Gandharvahastadi eranda Tel 10 - 20 ml with warm water before meals....

Diet and lifestyle

Pathya ( Indications)

1 Take 500ml of water ealry morning and walk for 10 minutes to relieve gas and stimulating vata to induced urges to pass stool .

2 eating freshly cooked food in helpful . Spices like cumin seeds . Coriander . Turmeric powder . fennel and asafetida  are good as they make the food easily

3 Proper chewing of food is very important

4 Take plenty of leafy vegetables and salads.

5 Drinking a glass of warm milk at the time of going to bed helps in evacuation the next morning . In case of severe constipation mix two tsf castor oil in the milk is very helpful ..

6 Drink a glass of water upon waking just after visiting bathroom .

7 Eat steamed fresh vegetables.

8 Gree leafy veggies may be balanced for vayu dosha by cooking with ginger . Cumin. Coriander and asafetida

9 Regular exercise .

Apthya ( Contraindications)

1 pasteurization milk

2 cooked eggs

3 Overcooked meats

4 Refined attach .

5 Avoiding eating lot of spices , fried food , forzen food and food / drink with preservatives don't support natural urges..

Tuesday, 28 May 2019

Chronic pancreatitis

Chronic Pancreatitis

Chronic pancreatitis in inflammation of the pancreas that does not heal or improve . Get worse over time and lead to permanent damage .

The condition is most often caused by alcohol abused over many years repeated episodes of acute pancreatitis can lead to Chronic pancreatitis .

Other Causes

1 Autoimmune problem ( when the immune system attack the body)

2Blockage of the pancreatic duct or common bile duct  . The tube that drain enzymes from the pancreas.

3 High level of a fat called triglycerides in the blood ( hypertriglyceridemia)

4 Hyperparathyroidism

5 Use of certain medications ( especially sulfonamide . Thiazides and azathioprine)

Chronic pancreatitis occurs more often in men than in women the condition often develops in people aged  30 to 40.


1 Abdominal pain

* More in the upper abdomen

* May last from Hours to days

* Eventually may be continuous

* May get  worse from eating or drinking

* May get worse from drinking alcohol

* May also be felt in the back

2 Digestive Problems.

* Chronic weight loss . Even when eating habits and amount are normal .

* Diarrhoea . Nausea .and Vomiting

* Fatty or oil stool

* Pale or clay - colored stools.

The symptoms may become more frequently as the condition gets worse .the symptoms may pancreatic cancer . Sitting up and leaning forward may sometimes relieve the abdominal pain of pancreatitis..


1 Fecal fat test

2 Serum amylase , lipase , trypsinogen

3 Serum IgG4 ( for diagnosing of the pancreas or change to the duct of the pancreas may be seen on.
4 abdominal CT Scan

5 Abdominal Ultrasound.

6 Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography ( MRCP)

Principal of Treatment

Kapha Grahani Samana


Shamana Chikitsa

1 Karvyada Rasa 250 - 500 mg TID with nimbu svarasa  after meals

2 Bilvadi Gulika 250 - 500 TID with Takra after meals

3 Agnitundi vati 250 - 500 mg BD with warm water before meals

4 Rasaparpati 125 - 250 mg BD with Honey After meals


Determining the causes of acute pancreatitis and treating it quickly may help prevent chronic pancreatitis . Not drinking a lot of alcohol reduce the risk of developing the condition .

Diet and lifestyle

Pathya ( indications)

1 Drinking plenty of liquid

2 Eating a low fat diet

3 eating small , frequent meals ( this helps digestive symptoms)

Apthya ( Contraindications)

1 Avoid Smoking and drinking alcohol beverage

2 Getting enough vitamin s and calcium's in the diet or as etxra supplement

3 Limiting caffeine......

Monday, 27 May 2019

Amalapitta ( Hyperacidity )

Amlapitta ( Hyperacidity )


1 Faulty
2 Bakery diet
3 Stress
4 Excessive oily
5 Irregular meals....


6 constipation
7 Nausea
8 cheat burn


Ayurveda - pittapradhana

Shamana Chikitsa..

1 kamadugha ras 2 vati before meals BD

2 Muktishukti pisthi 250 mg TID after meals

3Guduchyadi kwath 20 ml BD before meals...

Indications (Pathya)

1Drink water after meals

Apthya ( contraindications)

1 spicy , sour , to hot ,too  much oily


3 avoid drinking of water before meals

4avoid aspirin and Pain killers tablets (NSAID) ......

5 Acidic food.

Ajeerna ( indigestion )

Ajeerna ( Indigestion, Dyspepsia)

Indigestion is a undefined feeling of discomfort or acute , chronic or recurrent pain in upper part of abdomen during or after food intake.......

Causes -

1 Irregular eating
2eating too much
3eating spicy , fatty or greasy food
4 Drinking too much alcohol
5 eating too fast
6 heavy meals
7 high fiber food
8tabacco smoking

Other causes of Indigestion are ..

2 pancreatitis
3use of NSAID
4 Gallstones


1Excessive salivation
5 Vertigo..

Dosha -
Kapha ( amjeerna)
Pitta ( vidagdha jeerna)
Vata ( Vishtabdhajeerna)

Chikitsa -

Kapha - Langhana , pitta - vamana ,

 Vata - svedana ..


1 Sanjivani vati 2 vati with warm water BD
2Rasona Vati 2 vati before meals BD
3 Bhunimbadi kawth 20 ml BD
4Hinguvachadi churna 3gm TID warm water  after food ........

Pathya ( indications)

1 old rice ,mung dal, lemon juice, black salt ..
2light food
3 take fresh food warm conditions
4 Drinking a warm water
5 Chew food carefully and complete
6 regular exercise

Apthya ( contraindications)

1 avoid heavy , cold ,too much oily food
2Avoid drinking of water just before meals
3 avoid day sleeping
4 Avoid heavy meals
5 Avoid Anxiety ,worry .......

Boil ( Abscess )


Hindi - फोड़ा
Marathi - फोड
Ayurved - Vidradhi
As summer season is going on many of us maybe are suffering from Abscess in various regions of our body and in various forms.
Abscess genrally are of two types:
 1. External Abscess
 2. Internal Abscess

We will be discussing about External Abscess today. It's causes and useful home remedies in आयुर्वेेद.

1. Bacterial Infection
2. Food Allergy
3. Nutrition deficiency
4. Poor immunity
5. Poor hygiene

Home Based Management :
1. Early morning chew a grain of wheat(गेहूँ) making a paste of it, apply it on the abscess and cover the application with bandage.
2. Take leaves of Custard apple (सीताफल के पत्ते) make a paste of the leaves and apply it over the abscess and cover it with bandage.
3. Take leaves of Water hyacinth (जलकुम्भी के पत्ते) make a paste of it, apply it on the abscess and cover it with a bandage.

1. Avoid Sugar
2. Junk food
3. Red meat
4. Milk (Tea, Coffee, etc)

1. Green vegetables
2. Orange vegetables
3. Onion - Antimicrobial
4. Garlic - Antimicrobial
5. Almonds (बादाम)
6. Walnut (अखरोट)
7. Linseed (अलसी)
8. Turmeric (हलदी)


Gastritis occurs when the lining of the stomach becomes inflamed
Gastritis can last for only a short time ( acute gastritis) it may also linger for month to year ( Chronic gastritis)


the most common cause of gastritis

1 Certain medicine ,such as aspirin , ibuprofen ,or naproxen

2Heavy alcohol drinking

3 infection of the stomach with a bacteria called helicobacter pylori ...


1 Loss of appetites

2 Nausea and Vomiting

3 pain in upper part of the belly or abdomen

4black stools

5 Vomiting blood or coffee - ground like material

Principal of treatment ...

1 amlapitta samana chikitsa

In early stages - tikta rasa and ruksha guna dravya

In late stage - Mandura rasa darvya ..

Shaman .....

Early Stages

1 Mahatiktaka Kashaya 20 ml BD
2 pravala pisthi 125 - 250 mg TID with warm water
3 Giloy Satva 500 mg TID with warm water

Late stage ...

1 Sootashekhara rasa 125 to 250 mg TID with ghee

2 ksheerapaka 1tsf BD before meals

Pathya. ( Indications)

1 Eating smaller meals ..
2 Drink water after meals ..

Apthya (contraindications)

1 Avoid heavy , spicy, sour ,hot ,too much oily food

2 Avoid anxiety , worry , anger etc

3 avoid alcohol and NSAID

4 Avoid drinking water just before a meal

5 Don't take anything in between meals except liquid

6 Suppression of the natural urges. ...

Parinama Shoola ( Duodenal Ulcer )

Parinama Shoola ( Duodenal Ulcer)

 A peptic ulcer is an erosion or sore in the stomach ( gastric ulcer) or the first few centimetres of the doudenum ( doudenum ulcer ) that penetrates the muscularis mucosa.


1 Helicobacter pylori

2 Stress

3 Radiation therapy


5 Smoking

6 spicy food do not cause ulcer but can make them worse

Symptoms ...

1 The pain is usually in the upper  middle part of abdomen

2 The pain can feel like burning or gnawing , it may go through to the back ...

3 Nausea

4 Vomiting - Blood mixed

5 Malina

6 loss of Appetite

7 Loss of weight ..


1 inspect the stool and test it for occult blood

2 fiberoptics endoscopy or a double - contrast barium stduy of the upper GI tract

3 Test for the presence of Hypylori infection..

Different Diagnosis

Gastric ulcer , Duodenitis , Cholecystitis , Pancreatitis

Dosha - Pittapradhana...



1 Shamana Snehapana - MTG 20 ml with

2 Vamana - Nimba kwath

3 Virechana - Danti

4 Shirodhara - Takra Dhara

Samana chikitsa ...

1  Tiktaka ghirtha 2 tsf with warm water BD .. before meals

2 Cap - Amalapittantak 1 TID after meals

3 Syrups - Himcocid 2 tsf water TID before meals....

Apthya (  contraindications)

1 Avoid the smoking , tobacco , alcohol

2 Avoid anxiety , Stress

3 Person of pitta prakriti should take purgation therapy once in year

4 Avoid Aspirin , ibuprofen , Naproxen , NSAID ....

Achalasia Cardia

Achalasia Cardia

Achalasia is a disorder of the esophagus . The tube carries food from the mouth to the stomach . This affected the ability of the esophagus to move food toward the stomach .

Causes -

1 Damage to the nervous of the esophagus

2 Cancer of the esophagus or upper stomach and a parasite infection that causes change disease may have symptoms like those of achalasia..

3 Achalasia is a rare disorder it may occur at any age but most common in middle aged or older adults..


1 Backflow ( regurgitation) of food

2 chest pain which may increase after eating or may be felt in the back neck and arms. .

3 Cough

4 Difficulty swallowing liquids and solids

5 Heartburn

6 Unintentional weight loss ..

Investigation ...

1 Esophageal Manometry ..

2 Esophagogastrodudenoscopy...

3 Upper GI X Ray ...

Dosha -
Vata , Pitta  pradhana

Ayurvedic treatment...


1 pachana with patoladi kwath 20 ml TID 3 to 5 days...

2 Snehna with Tiktaka Ghirtha

3 Svedana - Mridu baspa sevda

4 Virechana - Avipathi churna 30 to 60 gm with milk

5 Takrdhara in patients having stress ..

Shamana Chikitsa

1 Bhunimbadi kawth 20 ml TID after meals

2 Sutshekhar ras 2 vati BD before meals

3 Indulekha Ghirtha 10ml BD after meals....

4 Giloy Satva 500mg BD after meals

Pathya ( Indications)

1 Head end of bed should be elevated

2 eating smaller meals

3 losing weight if needed

4 wearing loose fitting clothes

5 Shatavari yasthimadhu ksheerapaka ..

Apthya ( Contraindications)
1Avoid alcohol , smoking , tobacco

2 Avoid spicy food , fatty or acidic food that trigger heartburn

3 Not eating close to bedtime

4 Avoid drinking of water just before meals

5 Avoid day sleeping after meals

6 Avoid heavy meals at night time

7 Don't take anything in between meals except liquid

8 Suppression of the natural urges

9 Excessive or scanty and also taken too early or late

10 Avoiding NSAID , Aspirin ,.....




Difficulty in swallowing the food and liquid is called as dysphagia

Causes -
1 Esophageal Dysphagia --

- Diseases of esophagus such as achalasia , diffuse spasm , cleroderma , tumor s , Ca , Radiation therapy , SLE etc...

2 Oropharyngeal Dysphagia - Neurological disorders , pharyngeal diverticula

Principal of treatment --

.1 Vatanulomana
2 Chardhihara.
3 Udavartahara .

Classical Formulation ..

1 Kankayana Vati 250 mg TID after meals
2 Sukumara kwath 20 ml BD before meals
3 Sooktyn 2 vati BD after meals

Pathya ( indications)

1 Head end of bed should be elevated .

2 eating smaller meals

3 losing weight if needed

4 wearing loose - fitting  clothes

Apthya (contraindications)

1 Avoid alcohol and spicy , fatty or acidic food that trigger heartburn

2 Not eating close to bedtime .

3 avoid drinking of water just before a meal

4 Avoid day sleeping after meals

5 Avoid heavy meals at night time .

6 Don't take anything in between meals except liquid

7 Suppression of the natural urges

8 Avoid anxiety, worry , anger

9 Avoid Aspirin , NSAID ...

Hiatus Hernia

                          Hiatus Hernia

In hiatus hernia ,part of the stomach slips through the hiatus into the chest ..


1 Heart burn that is worse when you lean forward , strain or lie down .

2 Bleaching

3 Regurgitation ( back flow of stomach contents into the throat )

4 Symptoms of a strangulation hiatal hernia including sudden severe chest pain and difficulty swallowing . This situation requires immediate medical treatment ..

Principal of Ayurveda Treatment..

   1 Virddhihara chikitsa

2 Vatanulomana , Vatahara


1 Kankayana Vati 2 BD after meals ...

2 Sukumara kwath 20 BD after meals


It is difficult to prevent hiatal hernia , However one can reduce your risk by maintaining a healthy weight and avoid smoking , to prevent hernias associated with increased abdominal pressure avoid activity that causes abdominal strain especially heavy lifting , avoid constipation

Diet and lifestyle

Pathya ( Indications)

1 Eat smaller more frequently meals.

2 keep the bowel clean

3 eat slowly whitout any hurry ...

Apthya ( Contraindications)

1 Avoid eating for at least two hours before going to bed and sit up for at least one hour after eating ..



Gulma ( Abdominal tumor )

Gulma ( Abdominal tumor)

Gulma is annavaha srotas vyadhi and and considered under astha mahagada ..

Gulma can be compared with abdominal tumor , peptic ulcer , diverticula , pancreatitis , appendicitis ..

Nidan - ( Causes)

1 Ruksha , Vatakara ahara  vihara ..

2 Shoshana without snehana and
 sevdana .


1- Dryness of mouth
2 pain
3 fever with radiating pain
4 aggravated by digestion of food
relieves by eating food


1 fever
2 Burning sensation
3 severe pain
4 during digestion pain
5 sweating..


1 fever
2 Heavyness in abdominal cavity
3 anorexia
4 salivation




1 Snehanapana - Sukumara Ghirtha

2 Svedana

3 Virechana - Gandharvahastadi taila

4 Nituha - Dashamula

5 Anuvasana - Sukumara Ghirtha ..

Classical Formulation

Samana chikitsa ..

Vata Gulma

1 Gulmakalanala ras 500mg TID after meals

2 Shulavajrini vati 2 BD before meals

3 Pippalyadi Ghirtha. 10 ml BD with warm water

Pitta Gulma -

1 Sutshekhar ras 2 BD before meals

2 Vasadi Ghirtha 10 ml BD with warm water

3 Avipathi churna 3 gm with warm water BD after meals


1 kravyada rasa 250 - 500mg TID before meals

2 Agnikumar rasa 250mg BD before meals

3 Dashamula Ghirtha 10 ml BD with warm water before meals ..

Pathya ( indications)

1 old rice , munga dal , rice gurel , buttermilk

2 light food in moderate quantity

3 take a fresh food in warm conditions

4 give at least 3 hours of gape between two meals

5 Chew food carefully and complete

6 allow enough time for meals

7 regular exercise

8 Drinking too warm water

Apthya ( Contraindications)

1Avoid hevay , cold , too. Much oliy food

2 Avoid drinking of water just before meals

3 avoiding day sleeping after meals

4 avoid heavy meals at night time

5 Suppression of the natural urges

6 Avoid anxiety ,worry , anger
7 avoid a argument during meals..

8 Don't take anything in between meals at night time ...



Udarashoola ( Abdominal Pain )

Udarashoola ( Abdominal Pain )

Pain in the Belly can come from conditions
Affecting a variety of organs.


1 indigestion

2 Flatulence

3 Wroms

4 Excess food intake

5 Inflammation of organs such as gall
Bladder , pancreas , appendix...


Abdominal. Pain can be acute and sudden in onset or the pain can be chronic and longstanding abdominal pain may be minor
and of no great singnificance or it can reflect a major problems involving one of the organs in the abdomen ....


1 USG -- Abdomen

2 CT scan

3 Barium meal X  Ray

4 Endoscopy

5 Barium enema X-ray  , Plane X- Ray ...

Principal of treatment

1 Vamana , Langhana , Svedana , Pachana , Phala varti , kshara , Churna, gudika are beneficial for relieving shula ...

2 Vatanulomana , vataghna , dipana , pachana drug are useful in shula roga...


1 Vataja

1 Snehanapana and Svedana are best for relieving Vataja shula

2 Snigdha .Ushna ,dipana

3 Avpeedaka Snehna - Indulekha Ghirtha

2 Pittaja

1 Vamana - patola

2 Virechana - after ghrita

3 Shita lepa

4 Avapeedaka - Dadima Ghirtha


1 Vamana
 2 Langhana
3 godhuma
4 yava

4Ama Shula  Samana kaphaja ..



1 Hingu Triguna Taila 10 drop with milk Bad .

2 Udara lepa with Shadadharana Churna

3 Basti with 200ml of Sukhoshna Hingu - Saindhva jala 200 ml - 300ml added with shatapushadi kalka 10 gm

Samana chikitsa

1 Shankha vati 2 BD with warm water before meals

2 kasturyadi Gulika 2 TID after meals with warm water

3 Angitundi vati 2 BD after meals with warm water

4 Sooktin 2 BD with warm water ....

Pathya ( Indications)

1 fasting or light source diet ,
2 Fresh buttermilk
3 coconut water

Apthya (Contraindications)

1 Heavy food and excess quantity of , food , cold , oily , spicy , junk food , bakrey products



Chronic Appendicitis

Chronic Appendicitis

Chronic appendicitis is a disorders caused by inflammation of the appendix over a period of time . The is controversy as to whether this actually represent a true disease since acute appendicitis is the typical  manifestation of an inflamed appendix chronic  Appendicitis may cause symptoms related to abdominal discomfort or more generalized symptoms ..

Clinical Features ..

Chronic appendicitis may appear with mild Abdominal tenderness .pain and malaise or lethargy ,
Often individual with chronic Appendicitis are undiagnosed until an acute episode of appendicitis occurs , results in symptoms that progress in severity ...

Diagnosis .

Chronic appendicitis can be difficult because the symptoms are mild and individuals with chronic Appendicitis often become used to the abdominal pain and discomfort
The diagnosis is something missed or delayed because the symptoms of chronic Appendicitis can be smiilar to those occuring with other conditions including gastrointestinal disorders such as constipation or diarrhoea

Principal of Treatment

1 if the symptoms are mild Abdominal pain , heaviness , constipation impaired then treat on the line of pitta - kapha gulma

2 Pittaja - kapha gulma hara , raktashodhaka , Vatanulomana chikitsa


Shamana Chikitsa

1 Agnitundi vati 2 BD after meals  with warm water

2 Kaidaryadi Kashaya 20 ml BD with after meals

3 Tab - Biogest 1 before food ..... With warm water

Diet and lifestyle

Pathya ( indications)

1 Light food
2 Supachya
3 Nati Snigdha
4 Nati Ruksha Ahara ..

Apthya (contraindications)

1 Constipation

2 Gas forming food ..

           Ramjeevan Medicare Baikunthpur

                          Dr Vikash Singh

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