Hindi - फोड़ा
Marathi - फोड
Ayurved - Vidradhi
As summer season is going on many of us maybe are suffering from Abscess in various regions of our body and in various forms.
Abscess genrally are of two types:
1. External Abscess
2. Internal Abscess
We will be discussing about External Abscess today. It's causes and useful home remedies in आयुर्वेेद.
1. Bacterial Infection
2. Food Allergy
3. Nutrition deficiency
4. Poor immunity
5. Poor hygiene
Home Based Management :
1. Early morning chew a grain of wheat(गेहूँ) making a paste of it, apply it on the abscess and cover the application with bandage.
2. Take leaves of Custard apple (सीताफल के पत्ते) make a paste of the leaves and apply it over the abscess and cover it with bandage.
3. Take leaves of Water hyacinth (जलकुम्भी के पत्ते) make a paste of it, apply it on the abscess and cover it with a bandage.
1. Avoid Sugar
2. Junk food
3. Red meat
4. Milk (Tea, Coffee, etc)
1. Green vegetables
2. Orange vegetables
3. Onion - Antimicrobial
4. Garlic - Antimicrobial
5. Almonds (बादाम)
6. Walnut (अखरोट)
7. Linseed (अलसी)
8. Turmeric (हलदी)
Hindi - फोड़ा
Marathi - फोड
Ayurved - Vidradhi
As summer season is going on many of us maybe are suffering from Abscess in various regions of our body and in various forms.
Abscess genrally are of two types:
1. External Abscess
2. Internal Abscess
We will be discussing about External Abscess today. It's causes and useful home remedies in आयुर्वेेद.
1. Bacterial Infection
2. Food Allergy
3. Nutrition deficiency
4. Poor immunity
5. Poor hygiene
Home Based Management :
1. Early morning chew a grain of wheat(गेहूँ) making a paste of it, apply it on the abscess and cover the application with bandage.
2. Take leaves of Custard apple (सीताफल के पत्ते) make a paste of the leaves and apply it over the abscess and cover it with bandage.
3. Take leaves of Water hyacinth (जलकुम्भी के पत्ते) make a paste of it, apply it on the abscess and cover it with a bandage.
1. Avoid Sugar
2. Junk food
3. Red meat
4. Milk (Tea, Coffee, etc)
1. Green vegetables
2. Orange vegetables
3. Onion - Antimicrobial
4. Garlic - Antimicrobial
5. Almonds (बादाम)
6. Walnut (अखरोट)
7. Linseed (अलसी)
8. Turmeric (हलदी)
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