Tuesday, 28 May 2019

Chronic pancreatitis

Chronic Pancreatitis

Chronic pancreatitis in inflammation of the pancreas that does not heal or improve . Get worse over time and lead to permanent damage .

The condition is most often caused by alcohol abused over many years repeated episodes of acute pancreatitis can lead to Chronic pancreatitis .

Other Causes

1 Autoimmune problem ( when the immune system attack the body)

2Blockage of the pancreatic duct or common bile duct  . The tube that drain enzymes from the pancreas.

3 High level of a fat called triglycerides in the blood ( hypertriglyceridemia)

4 Hyperparathyroidism

5 Use of certain medications ( especially sulfonamide . Thiazides and azathioprine)

Chronic pancreatitis occurs more often in men than in women the condition often develops in people aged  30 to 40.


1 Abdominal pain

* More in the upper abdomen

* May last from Hours to days

* Eventually may be continuous

* May get  worse from eating or drinking

* May get worse from drinking alcohol

* May also be felt in the back

2 Digestive Problems.

* Chronic weight loss . Even when eating habits and amount are normal .

* Diarrhoea . Nausea .and Vomiting

* Fatty or oil stool

* Pale or clay - colored stools.

The symptoms may become more frequently as the condition gets worse .the symptoms may pancreatic cancer . Sitting up and leaning forward may sometimes relieve the abdominal pain of pancreatitis..


1 Fecal fat test

2 Serum amylase , lipase , trypsinogen

3 Serum IgG4 ( for diagnosing of the pancreas or change to the duct of the pancreas may be seen on.
4 abdominal CT Scan

5 Abdominal Ultrasound.

6 Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography ( MRCP)

Principal of Treatment

Kapha Grahani Samana


Shamana Chikitsa

1 Karvyada Rasa 250 - 500 mg TID with nimbu svarasa  after meals

2 Bilvadi Gulika 250 - 500 TID with Takra after meals

3 Agnitundi vati 250 - 500 mg BD with warm water before meals

4 Rasaparpati 125 - 250 mg BD with Honey After meals


Determining the causes of acute pancreatitis and treating it quickly may help prevent chronic pancreatitis . Not drinking a lot of alcohol reduce the risk of developing the condition .

Diet and lifestyle

Pathya ( indications)

1 Drinking plenty of liquid

2 Eating a low fat diet

3 eating small , frequent meals ( this helps digestive symptoms)

Apthya ( Contraindications)

1 Avoid Smoking and drinking alcohol beverage

2 Getting enough vitamin s and calcium's in the diet or as etxra supplement

3 Limiting caffeine......


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